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不用媒体分析来去,看看雷军接下来做什么就知晓了。Need not media analysis will go, see Lei Jun what do next witting.

这回可谓是旧皇帝碰上了新格格,谁胜谁负一看收视率便知晓。This is the old emperor met the new princess, who wins a ratings witting.

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但尽管说,我们对于很难知晓更多的影响排名的因素。But although say, we to very difficult witting more factors that affect a rank.

他的师承极为神秘,江湖上知晓的人极少。His Shi Chengji is mystery, the witting person on all corners of the country is few.

目的了解慢性乙型肝炎患者不遵从医嘱行为及相关因素,以采取相应护理措施,提高其治疗效果。To improve the medical compliant behavior of the patients with hypertension and witting rate to special knowledge.

通过学习,学生可以迅速巩固已学知识并能熟练运用,在听,说,读,写四个方面得到全面提升。Students can consolidate their old knowledge and can make big progress in listening, speaking, reading and witting.

目的提高糖尿病病人的从医行为及对特定知识的知晓率。Objective To improve the medical compliant behavior of the patients with diabetic and witting rate to special knowledge.

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这是一种有意区别于布什政府的做法,不去说我们盟友的坏话,不去侮辱或者攻击我们的敌人。This is a witting reaction to the Bush Administration's tendency to diss our allies and insult — or invade — our enemies.

有什么优势可以凭借,让一家还不被大众所广泛知晓的网站有如此“宏伟目标”?What advantage can be depended on, let still be not had by the website with masses extensive and witting place so grand target?

大多数人无从知晓到底这些最为顶尖的创意、美术和程序人员到底能拿多少薪水。Most person have no way is witting after all these most top originality, art and program personnel can take how many salary after all.

在有意或无意的社会团体中收集情报可能是探究某些领域之究竟的便利方法。Tasking collection amongst witting or unwitting social groups could be an expedient way of finding out what's going on in some field of concern.

Google的所有用户都是这个复杂交易的参加者,如果想要从这些书籍中学到什么经验,那就是我们不总是聪明的参与者。Google users are parties to a complex transaction, and if there is one lesson to be drawn from all these books it is that we are not always witting parties.

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在三人逃亡与躲避追杀中知晓果儿的身份与大祭司所要寻找的圣物关联甚密。Abscond in 3 people with avoid chase after in killing witting fruit the holy content correlation that the identity and big flamen place should search is very close.

在古代,木质自身的物理性虽没有科学数据,但木匠在长期的实践中,慢慢知晓了木性。In ancient time, although the content reason of woodiness oneself does not have scientific data, but the carpenter is in long-term practice, slowly witting wooden sex.

但报告称,到了2004年,基地组织的募资对象是“知情和不知情的捐款人、清真寺、支持基地组织事业的伊玛目以及慈善机构等非政府组织”。But by 2004, al Qaeda financed itself by raising money from "witting and unwitting donors, mosques and sympathetic imams, and nongovernment organizations such as charities, " says the report.

子健得知晓妍年少时的一段荒唐经历,表示他爱的足现存的她,不管从前曾发生过什么事。Child be good at a paragraph of when witting beautiful is junior absurd experience, those who state he loves is sufficient she existent, no matter ever had produced what job once upon a time.

谢伊真的能坚持下来,把这共计20卷的、每页三栏、满是各种缩写、外文衍生词、以及用古体拼写的巨著吞下来吗?Could Shea really make his witting way through 20 heavy volumes of tri-columnated type, all of it twinkling and squirming with abbreviations, small caps, foreign derivations and archaic spellings?

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谢伊真的能坚持下来,把这共计20卷的、每页三栏、满是各种缩写、外文衍生词、以及用古体拼写的巨著吞下来吗?Could Shea really make his witting way through 20 heavy volumes of tri-columnated type, all of it twinkling and squirming with abbreviations, small caps, foreign derivations and archaic spellings ?