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猞猁是国家二级保护动物。Lynx is a nationally protected animal.

他有案发时不在现场的充分证据。The scene of crime had been protected.

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必须保护植物不受冻。Plants must be protected from the cold.

佛陀护起鸽子,不让老鹰抓到。The Buddha protected it from the eagle.

每个数字标识必须由密码保护。The package is protected by a password.

他们不知怎的,有一定的抗压力。Somehow, they were protected from stress.

为了抵御大潮,围了一排栅栏protected from spring tides by a palisade

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虚拟控制受保护接口?。VCPI? Virtual Control Protected Interface?

扼流圈是全铜环绕的,并有熔断器保护。Chokes are copper wound and fuse protected.

是否需要同步受保护的实际值?。Do you want to synch to protected actuals ?

他保护她,她使他坚强起来。He protected her, and she strengthened him.

有些鱼还利用其他生物保护自己。Some fish are protected by other creatures.

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这些秘密会通过使用DMF而得到保护。These secrets are protected by using a DMF.

试图读取或写入受保护的内存。Attempted to read or write protected memory.

保护好所有的零件,防止损坏。All parts have to be protected agai t damage.

是的,DJGPP输出32位的保护模式代码。Yes. DJGPP outputs 32bit protected mode code.

在防化环境下施行外科手术。Surgery in a Chemically Protected Environment.

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商标通过注册保护。Trademarks are protected through registration.

设有防滚架保护燃烧器。Burners protected by a rugged roll cage design.

滑稽或讽剌作品也受到保护。Parodies or satirical works are also protected.