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如何远程管理基本节点?How do you manage base nodes remotely?

我厌恶所有与德国相关的,即使隔得很远。I detest all things even remotely German.

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远程运行脚本时的机器配置Machine configuration if you run scripts remotely

新的生物传感器芯片可实现心电信号的远程采集New Biosensor Chip Picks Up Heart Signals Remotely

这台机器可以远程操作和监控。The machine can be remotely operated and monitored.

伊丽莎白.罗奇的健康状况由她的儿子远程监控。Elizabeth Roach’s health is remotely monitored by her son.

仅仅独立网卡可以被远程唤醒。Only Add-in NIC cards will be able to remotely wake the system.

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工程师们将会遥控操作起重机进行拆卸。Engineers will use remotely operated cranes for the disassembly.

该相机可以放大和缩小,倾斜和批评远程。The camera can be zoomed in and out, tilted and panned remotely.

实际上,再不能吃的东西也在劫难逃。In fact, nothing, no matter how remotely eatable, had escaped them.

用户可通过可上网的手机进行远程监控摄像机。Users can remotely monitor the camera from Web-enabled mobile phones.

插图显示没有一个冠军使用类似长的身体姿势的姿势。None of these champions remotely resembles the long-side illustration.

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这两种方式都允许您在本地或远程部署解决方案。Both methods enable you to deploy a solution either locally or remotely.

这张照片是通过一个隐藏的远距离触发式相机拍摄的。The photographs were taken by a camera in a hide and triggered remotely.

对于其他固件刷新,可以远程打开或关闭系统的电源。For other firmware flashes, you can remotely power the systems on and off.

可执行文件是一个NT服务,可以在本地机器或远程运行。The executable is an NT service and can be run either locally or remotely.

它可以远程执行规则,然后将响应发送回调用者。It can execute the rules remotely and send the response back to the caller.

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任何远程关注搜索引擎优化的用户都应该使用这个插件。A must-have for anybody who remotely cares about search engine optimization.

所有的系统管理,可以远程进行使用普通按键式电话。All system management can be done remotely using a regular touch-tone phone.

但商誉不会稳定的消耗,或者以类似稳定的方式消耗。But it won't shrink in even decrements or anything remotely resembling them.