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土地产权交易。Transaction of land property.

分有服装交易区。It has a garment transaction area.

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然后我们回滚这个事务。Then we rollback this transaction.

此函数包装一个事务。This function wraps a transaction.

这个事务处理协调器将重新启动。The transaction co-ordinator will restart.

您还可以控制事务处理类型。You can also control the transaction type.

这个范围开始于一个事务的开始。The scope starts when a transaction begins.

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这笔交易使他获得厚利。The transaction afforded him a good profit.

重大之资产或衍生性商品交易。A material asset or derivatives transaction.

孟买的一切都是有关dhandha,或是交易。Mumbai is all about dhandha, or transaction.

他们从那笔交易中获利。They derived a benefit from that transaction.

这样您就可以生成交易报告了。Then you can generate the transaction reports.

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它的事务率和响应时间是多少?What is its transaction rate and response time?

取得目前异动的描述。Gets the description of the current transaction.

越权交易的处理程序。Procedures for handling ultra vires transaction.

客户端层控制事务作用域。The client layer controls the transaction scope.

新的一周开开始,大家生意兴隆。I wish you a succes in your business transaction.

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每一个主交易所占的比例是多少?What was the percentage of each main transaction?

每宗交易仅可使用一张电子现金券。One e-voucher can only be used in one transaction.

好的.我们可以做成这笔交易了.That`s fine. I think the transaction will be done.