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其中五例为脂肪瘤,一例为黏液囊肿。There were 5 lipomas and 1 mucus cyst.

你的大便里有血或粘液吗?Be there any blood or mucus in your stool?

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一些人认为喝牛奶只会导致更多黏液。Some people think it only causes more mucus.

真恶心!但是,你猜怎么着?黏液是有帮助的。Yucky! But, guess what? Mucus is very helpful.

这种粘液痰经常从白色变为绿色或黄色。This mucus often changes from white to green or yellow.

鼻镜通常覆盖着粘液和渗出物。Commonly the muzzle is encrusted with mucus and exudate.

鼻镜通常覆盖着粘液和渗出物。Commonly the muzzle is encrusted with mucus and exudate.

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外分泌腺可以仅由制造粘液的单细胞组成。Glands may consist of only single cells that make mucus.

尊敬的毛医生,每天我的喉咙里总是有很多的粘液。I experience a lot of mucus in my throat during the day.

怎样才能引起黏液向上流动,离开肺部呢?How can you cause mucus to flow upward and out of your lungs?

这样有助于抑制病毒感染的唾沫飞散。This helps contain the mucus droplets infected with the virus.

外分泌腺可以仅由制造粘液的单细胞组成。Exocrine Glands may consist of only single cells that make mucus.

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眼皮上的一些小腺形成了油层和粘液层。Several smaller glands in the lids make the oil and mucus layers.

你的目标乃是发现出口,而没有被坏的粘液伤害。Your goal is to find the exit without being slimed by evil mucus.

具有胃腺窝上皮型和幽门腺型特定型粘液。Characteristic mucus of gastric foveola epithelium or pyloric gland.

目的研究人结膜杯状细胞和粘液的形态。To study the morphology of human conjunctival goblet cells and mucus.

细丝是最典型的弹性的液体,例如凝胶。Clingy strands are typical of similarly elastic fluids, such as mucus.

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支链淀粉含大量凝胶黏液,加热后呈弱碱性,对胃酸过多有抑制作用。Amylopectin a lot of mucus gel, a heated weak alkaline, acid inhibited.

由于黏液样品量较少,未能作进一步的分析。Few mucus samples were offered and it is not enough for further analysis.

一部分女性选择宫颈粘液法则出于宗教信仰的原因。Some women choose to use the cervical mucus method for religious reasons.