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詹姆斯是亨利的邻居。James was Herry's neighbour.

我的邻居是一个冷漠的人。My neighbour is a cold fish.

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他是我的隔壁邻居。He is my next-door neighbour.

好状师坏邻居。A good lawyar a bad neighbour.

伯金坐在她边上。She had Birkin for a neighbour.

你好,我是你隔壁邻居。Hi. I'm your next-door neighbour.

那个老公爵这会儿在您女邻居家里吗?Is the old Duke with your neighbour?

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奈杰尔是我们新搬来的隔壁邻居。Nigel is our new next-door neighbour.

他把梯子借给了邻居。He loaned the ladder to his neighbour.

李先生是一名邮递员。他是我们的邻居。Mr Li is a postman. He's our neighbour.

汤姆的邻居被联邦调查局抓走了。Tom’s neighbour was snatched by the FBI.

转过去面向你的同桌。Turn round makeing and face your neighbour.

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我喜欢我的那个漂亮的邻家女孩。I like my neighbour who is a nice girl. save.

我们的邻居打算搬到芝加哥去。Our neighbour contemplates moving to Chicago.

她把孩子们寄在邻居家膳宿。She boarded out her children with a neighbour.

一堵共用的墙将邻近的两所房连接起来。A common wall links the house to its neighbour.

库拉索面临着与强大的邻国发生摩擦的危险。Cura?ao risks friction with a mighty neighbour.

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看看我家邻居老肯在院子里吗?Let's see if my neighbour Ken is in the garden.

下周我隔壁的邻居就要搬走了。My next door neighbour is moving out next week.

泰子遇到了她的邻居,这是她们震后第一次重逢。Sasaki-san sees a neighbour for the first time.