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政府正作出艰苦的努力在山上重新造林。The government is making strenuous efforts to reforest the hills.

该项目旨在1990年之前森林遭砍伐的地区开展再造林工作。The project aims to reforest areas that were deforested before 1990.

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解决水土流失问题的最好办法是退耕还林。The best way to undo the problem of soil erosion is to reforest the cultivated land.

我希望人类停止滥砍伐,并对那些已经过度砍伐的森林重新造林。I intend that humans cease to deforest and reforest those regions that have been deforested.

美国马里兰州将种植三百六十株树,协助安那波利斯市绿化。The US state of Maryland will plant a total of 360 trees to help reforest the city of Annapolis.

人们不仅关系城市绿化和园林绿化,而且关心住宅小区绿化乃至家庭居室的绿化,绿色生态住宅也应运而生。Urban residents not only hope to reforest cities and gardens , but also clothe small area around houses and rooms with greenery.

今年春季,还栽种了2万棵左右树苗,这是在肯尼亚Aberdares地区和肯尼亚山地区2000公顷造林工程的组成部分。Some 20,000 young trees were to be planted this spring as part of an effort to reforest 2,000 hectares in the Aberdares and Mt. Kenya regions of Kenya.

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允许农民将自己土地上的河边和湖边的森林算作自己的保护区,从而减少了他们要保护或重新造林的土地总面积。allowing farmers to count forest alongside rivers and lakes on their land as part of their conserved area, so reducing the total amount of land they need to protect or reforest

我们可以大致估计在地球上再造林、保护表层土、恢复牧场和渔场、稳定地下水位并保护生物多样性所需的花费。We can roughly estimate how much it will cost to reforest the earth, protect its topsoil, restore rangelands and fisheries, stabilise water tables and protect biological diversity.

另外海平面上升可能造成的沿海家园毁灭,与极端天气相关的灾害也会带来的农作物损失,以及需要大片土地植树造林以固定二氧化碳。Add to that the potential loss of coastal property from rising sea levels, crop loss from drastic weather related incidents, and the need to reforest large swaths of land to sequester CO2.