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这是一种单性生殖。This is a form of APOMIXIS.

无融合生殖在育种工作中具有潜在的应用价值。The practical value of apomixis in plant breeding is rem.

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本文概述了对“84—15”的无融合生殖特性所进行的遗传学验证结果及在育种上的利用价值。This paper deals with the genetic test on the apomixis of Japonica rice "84-15" and its utilization in breeding.

龙须草具有很高的无融合生殖度,是优良的无融合生殖基因供体。As presented in has high degree of apomixis , E. binata might act as a potential valuable donor for apomixis gene.

算法的主要特点是利用繁殖和退化,扩大搜索范围以提高收敛速度并保持种群的多样性。The advantages are via apomixis and degenerate the speed of convergent and diversity of the swarm are improved apparently.

山核桃胚来源于珠心细胞,属于无融合生殖中不定胚生殖范畴。The embryo in hickory origined from nucellar cells and it belonged to adventitious embryony reproduction one type of apomixis.

通过对甜菜叶片基因组DNA的分析,确立了适合于甜菜无融合生殖系的最适宜的AFLP试验体系。The foundation of AFLP experimental system that was suitable for sugar beet apomixis was confirmed by the analysis of sugar beet leaf genome DNA.

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在遗传工程上,相同的多拷贝基因是由质粒或噬菌体这样的克隆载体产生的。In genetic engineering, multiple identical copies of a gene are produced in cloning vectors, such as plasmids and phages. See gene cloning. See also apomixis.

1981年,研究了用远缘授粉结合生物激素处理的方法对高粱远缘杂交和无融合生殖的效应。The research was conducted during 1978-1981 to study the effect of distant pollination combined with hormone treatment on sorghum distant hybridization and apomixis.

FIE基因首先在拟南芥中被分离,它控制着非受精种子的发育,可能是无融合生殖的组件之一。FIE gene, which was first isolated in Arabidopsis thaliana, controls the development of fertilization-independent endosperm, and it might be one of components in apomixis.

研究者已明确提出水稻无融合生殖育种的主要目标,即全显性和简单性、专一性和自发性、兼有性和致死性、多倍性和杂和性。Researchers have propounded the main target of rice apomixis . It is dominant and simplicity, specificity and spontaneity, facultative and lethal, polyploidy and hybridity.

本文着重报道了四川无融合生殖水稻材料的研究新进展,并对国内有代表性的无融合生殖水稻材料的利用价值进行了讨论。This paper majorly reported the new advance of studies on Sichuan apomixis rice, and discussed the utilization value of the representative apomixis rice materials in China.

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本项研究在一定程度上证实了离子注入技术在创造多倍体水稻新种质申的实用性,这将为水稻无融合生殖种质材料的寻找提供一条新途径。The results revealed the practicability of ion beam implantation technique in creating new polyploidy idioplasm, which could provide a new approach for searching the material with apomixis.