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我的玩具娃娃有一顶大大的帽子。My doll has a big hat.

那是兰兰的洋娃娃。That's Lan Lan's doll.

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这个娃娃在儿童床里。The doll is in the cot.

柔软的娃娃。Be a satiny supple doll.

他像个小洋娃。He's like a little doll.

我喜欢那只可爱的娃娃。I like that lovely doll.

我的玩具娃娃有一条蓝色的领巾。My doll has a blue scarf.

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我忘不了我的巫毒娃娃。I can't forget my voodoo doll.

小轩窗,正梳妆。Little window, carefully doll.

妈妈说我可以带着自己的洋娃娃。Mommy says I can take my doll.

那小孩紧抱着她的洋娃娃。The child is hugging her doll.

恰吉变成了一个邪恶的玩偶。Chucky turned into an evil doll.

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我送了她一只咸蛋超人公仔给她。I give her a egg super man doll.

她管布娃娃叫“丽丽宝宝”。She named the doll “ Lily Baby.”

她让我联想起芭比娃娃。She reminds me of a Barbie doll.

那个伏都人偶也不见了。The voodoo doll was gone as well.

为什麽我的巫毒娃娃没有用?Why isn't my voodoo doll working?

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你好,克洛琳和克洛琳的玩偶。Hello, Coraline and Coraline doll.

小姑娘紧紧抱着洋娃娃。The girl clasped the doll tightly.

贝兹娃娃是芭比娃娃的对立面。Bézier Barbie doll is the opposite.