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那是因为他们仍然是母系社会。That is due to the matriarchy of its society.

摩梭人另外一个很明显的母系习俗就是他们的婚姻是走婚制。Another obvious feature of the matriarchy of the Mosuo People is the marriage.

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这种发展并不意味著早期母的统治地位,也没有社会的女性。This development does not imply an early Matriarchy nor the dominance of society by females.

在母系社会的人必须有不同的概念,女性比在父权制社会。In a matriarchy society people must have different conceptions of woman than in a patriarchy society.

“双性同体”这一源于母系社会时期的思想,体现了远古人类朴素的性别平等意识。Androgyny as a thought which came of matriarchy embodied the primitive people's native consciousness of equal gender.

北美西部的印第安人已发展为父权制组成的氏族,东部还停留在母权制的氏族社会。North American west indians had developed into patriarchy composed of clan, it still stays in the eastern matriarchy clan society.

对母系制与父权制的解释,关系到我们对整个历史的解释以及对人类未来的期望。The interpretation of matriarchy and patriarchy is pertinent to our interpretation of history and to the prospect of human future.

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不管怎样,这种古老的,不寻常的母系社会制度转变成更具代表性的父系制度似乎只是个时间问题。In any case, it seems just a matter of time that this ancient and unusual matriarchy will be changing to a more typical patriarchal system.

以往的研究中,学者多认为在母系社会里,女性具有支配性的地位,即所谓的“母权”。Most scholars in past research programs believed that women enjoyed the dominant position, or so-called "matriarchy", in the matrilineal society.

半坡遗址位于西安城东,是黄河流域规模最大、保存最完整的一处典型的母系氏族聚落遗址。The Banpo relics is the biggest and the most complete typical matriarchy relics along the Yellow River valley scale , which is located on the east of Chan River, eastern suburb of Xi'an.

母系氏族结束以后,随着男权的逐步确立,女性由社会的统治者渐变为男性的征服对象,变为“第二性”。With the ending of matriarchy and the establishment of man's dominance in the society, women's role, known as the "second sex", changed from the ruler of society into the subjugated object of men.

泸沽湖畔的摩梭社会中,母系家庭和父系家庭并存,其社会形态正经历由母系制向父系制变迁的历史时期。Co-existence of matrilineal and patrilineal family in the community of Mosuo people adjacent to Lugu Lake. It's social formation is in such a historical period changing from matriarchy to patriarchy.

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在此基础上,本文得出了法起源于原始母系氏族社会、原始社会规范的出现和原始习惯的产生是法产生的标志的结论。On this basis, the paper draws the conclusions that law originates in the primitive matriarchy society and and that the start of custom or conduct norm in primitive society signs the beginning of law.