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先发迹后娶妻。First thrive and then wife.

什么可以使你事业有成?What do you need to thrive?

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芦荻没有水,岂能生发?Can reeds thrive without water?

金钱和鄙薄,才是守财奴的养料。Misers thrive on money and contempt.

羊吃长草不能健壮。Sheep do not thrive on long pasture.

你必须学会迎难而上、愈难愈勇。You must learn to thrive on problems.

热带植物在温室里茁壮生长。Tropical plants thrive in a greenhouse.

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没有阳光花不会茂盛。Flowers will not thrive without sunshine.

这些动物栏养起来很少会肥壮。These animals rarely thrive in captivity.

喜欢学习和脑力挑战。Thrive on Learning and Mental Challenges.

然而谢里夫及其同类大学继续茁壮成长。Yet Sharif and its ilk continue to thrive.

有些人在公共生活的喧闹中才旺盛。Some thrive on the buzz of communal living.

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但是有些人怀疑高盛是否能够改革并再次兴盛。But some doubt that it can adapt and thrive.

软本分布在寒冷的北方。Softwoods thrive in the cold, northern regions.

南部肯尼亚,皇树繁河岸。In southern Kenya they thrive along river banks.

企业没有良好的管理不会兴旺。A business cannot thrive without good management.

没有阳光许多花都不能茁壮成长。Most flowers will not D. thrive without sunshine.

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那就是为什么有越来越多的存储设施。That is why so many self-storage facilities thrive.

这些动物靠吃某些树的叶子长壮。These animals thrive on the leaves of certain trees.

而阿里巴巴能否在海外耀武扬威,那是另一回事。Whether Alibaba can thrive abroad is another matter.