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只会因正确而欢颜。But rejoice in the right.

使山谷上下为之喜悦?Making all the vales rejoice?

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让我们相信犹有欢欣。Still persuade us to rejoice.

把这紧记在心及时行乐吧。Keep that in mind and rejoice.

使山谷上下为之喜悦?。Making gall the vales rejoice?

我因你的圣名而欢欣。I rejoice in the name of the Lord.

当这些人失败的时候,那些看热闹的旁人会感到高兴。When they fail, bystanders rejoice.

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英国的欧元怀疑论者不要高兴。British Euro-sceptics should not rejoice.

靠主喜乐的人是有福的。Blessed are those who rejoice in the Lord.

在主里喜乐,何其佳美!It is a good thing to rejoice in the Lord.

我们应该为有这样的不同而欣喜。And we should rejoice in those differences.

如果你准备好了,你就会庆祝。If you are ready, you are going to rejoice.

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愿锡安的民,因他们的王快乐。Let the sons of Zion rejoice in their King.

静静地享受安全的欢腾。Quietly I will enjoy peaceful exult rejoice.

飘柔在上帝的爱和上帝的宽恕。Rejoice in God's love and God's forgiveness.

安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜。Such things can never make my heart rejoice.

我们胜利了,因此我们尽情欢乐。We are victorious, wherefore let us rejoice.

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约翰的双亲会因他的安然归来而惊喜万分。John's parents will rejoice at his safe return.

随喜他人成功以击倒嫉妒。Rejoice in other's successes to combat jealousy.

奇玛隆被视为野兽,食人妖欢呼吧。Chimaeron is classified as a beast. Trolls rejoice.