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丝兰香味和均匀。Yucca flavor and uniform.

阿瓜鲁纳主要生产大蕉、玉米和丝兰。The Aguaruna mainly grow plantain, maize, and yucca.

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脱掉一个YUCCA基因不会产生很明显的影响。Disrupting one YUCCA gene did not have any obvious effects.

西南部的印第安人曾用丝兰来洗头发。Yucca was used by the Southwest Native Americans for washing their hair.

丝兰不但在饮食上占重要地位,在文化面亦然。Yucca is an essential part of not only the diet, but of the culture as well.

斯兰度那丝瑞公司专供耐旱和耐热的植物和树木。Yucca Do Nursery, inc. specializes in Drought and Heat Tolerant Plants and Trees.

虽然目前的美国联邦法律以核废料的公吨数来定义亚卡山的储存容量,但其实真正的限制是热。While existing federal law sets the capacity of Yucca in terms of tons of waste, the real limit is heat.

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相反,美国能源部也计划了在内华达州的尤卡山的地下,存放这些核废料。Instead, the Department of Energy had made plans to store the waste underground at Yucca Mountain in Nevada.

台湾朋友也还没见识过马莎多酸丝兰啤酒的醉人魅力。The Taiwanese palate had not yet been introduced to the intoxicating charms of the sour yucca beer called Masato.

利用石蜡切片,在光学显微镜下,观察了凤尾兰根、茎、叶的形态结构。Anatomical structure of vegetative organs of Yucca gloriosa was observed with the optical microscope by paraffin method.

听说很营养,与土混合后植物与蚯蚓都喜欢,希望不久后花园会有更鲜艳美丽的花朵!He told me these are full of nutrients, so the plants and the earthworms simply love them. I certainly hope the Yucca Garden will yield more beautiful flowers!

在美国,有一个在内华达州亚卡山的地点在十几年前就被预订使用,该地点距离拉斯维加斯100米远,但是奥巴马政府最终在去年放弃了这个方案。In the US, a site was earmarked decades ago at Nevada's Yucca Mountain, 100 miles from Las Vegas, but the Obama administration finally abandoned the scheme last year.

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最近拟南芥和水稻YUCCA基因家族的详细特征已被阐明,这个家族的成员在依赖与色氨酸的IAA生物合成中发挥功能。Recent extensive characterizations of the YUCCA gene family in Arabidopsis and rice have elucidated that member's function in a tryptophan-dependent IAA biosynthetic pathway.

即使后来有了肥皂,许多部落仍然喜欢用丝兰,因为在用它洗头时,头发本身结构不会被破坏或干枯分叉。Even after modern soaps became available, many tribal groups still preferred yucca because of its gentle way of cleansing one's hair, without stripping or drying its structure.

这就是为什么在内华达西南部雅卡山建设一个毫无用处而又价格高昂核“废物”设施而没有简单高效再利用的原因。That is why Yucca Mountain is unnecessarily, and at great cost, being built in southwestern Nevada to store a nuclear "waste" that could instead be simply and efficiently reused.

含清香啤梨味,用后肌肤留下香甜芳香。乳霜状质地,含芦荟、黄金菊、丝兰花等丰富滋润成分,滋润双手,令肌肤柔滑细致。The creamy, luxurious formula uses moisturisers such as aloe vera, passionflower and yucca to leave your hands feeling conditioned and soft, while spiced pear adds a pleasing fragrance.

撤消内华达州尤卡山作为一个潜在的核废物处置库重新开启了关于怎么和往哪里处理乏核燃料和高放核废物的讨论。The withdrawal of Nevada's Yucca Mountain as a potential nuclear waste repository has reopened the debate over how and where to dispose of spent nuclear fuel and high-level nuclear waste.