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他的技术水平令人拍案叫绝。His skill level was simply astounding.

正如您可以在上面看到的,其结果是令人震惊的。As you can see above, the result is astounding.

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黄锐提到的艺术品拍卖记录确实令人咋舌。The records he refers to are indeed astounding.

但是视觉奇观更是令人咋舌。But the visual spectacle is even more astounding.

这是第一次沃尔兹使得黑根震惊住了。For the first time, Woltz succeeded in astounding Hagen.

他们开着茶话会,天雷提案滚滚来。They have a tea party and astounding resolutions roll past.

我还记得一战发生后那些让人震惊的日子。I remember those astounding days when World War I broke out.

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他们购买服务器的数量令人震惊。The number of servers that these companies buy is astounding.

50号公路横穿一片惊人的古木森林。Highway 50 cut through an astounding forest of old-growth timber.

当它真的被恰当地研究时,它就使人心惊疑不已。When it is really studied properly, it is astounding to the mind.

这是令人震惊的有多少人甚至不知道什么叫“平视显示器家园”的。It's astounding how many folks don't even know what "HUD Homes" are.

多谢您的教诲,团长。您的剑术是举世无双的。Thank you, my lord, for the lesson. Your swordsmanship is astounding.

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然后,宇宙膨胀速度正在加快的发现让世人震惊。However, the discovery that this expansion is accelerating is astounding.

任何能够跨越种种障碍以求进化的新颖事物都令人惊骇。That anything novel ever surmounts these hurdles to evolve is astounding.

在这个仍然是世界上最穷国家之一的国度里这些数目还是很令人惊讶。The sums are astounding in a country that is still among the world's poorest.

而且我们有数量惊人的观众去观看了他们的印第安那队对天使队的比赛。And we showed up in astounding numbers to watch their Indians play the Angels.

巨石阵也许是遗存至今最令人感到神秘的史前建筑。Stonehenge is perhaps the most astounding construct of pre-history still standing.

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那天夜里在Lituya海湾产生的波浪有1,720英尺高,令人惊骇。The wave generated at Lituya Bay that night measured an astounding 1,720 feet tall.

每个人都知道外面多令人惊异,里面简直是闪耀无比的。Everybody knows how astounding it is on the outside. The inside is just as glorious.

盗版的蔓延速度让人感到吃惊。The immediacy and pervasiveness with which the pirated editions arose is astounding.