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他是个不折不扣的傻子。He was rather a blockhead.

那是傻子,哈里,傻子。He was rather a blockhead.

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俄的傻瓜,俄真的狠爱尔。My blockhead , i really love you.

那个笨蛋送错了盒子。That blockhead delivered the wrong box!

阿诺德是我见过的最笨的人。Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.

阿诺德是我见过的非常笨的人。Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.

丹在数学方面真是个榆木脑袋。Dan is such a blockhead when it comes to math.

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除非是傻瓜,从未有人为金钱以外的东西写文章。No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money.

丹在数学方面真是个榆木脑袋。Block 1 Dan is such a blockhead when it comes to math.

他实在无法很耐心地对这个老笨蛋说话。He could never speak quite patiently to the old blockhead.

“老糊涂的脑袋,布鲁图斯的心。”安灼拉回答说。"The head of a blockhead and the heart of a Brutus, " replied Enjolras.

基于互联网基础上的“傻瓜化的数字平台”博客的出现,以自身特有的方式迅速成为互联网最新的发展潮流。On the basis of the network, Blog which is a kind of blockhead digital terrace, becomes the new trend of the network.

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塞缪尔·约翰逊曾经在他的一个著名的评论中给出一个明确的回答,“除了傻瓜没有人写道,除了钱什么都行。”"Samuel Johnson supplied an obvious answer when he famously observed, "No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money.

愚蠢的重庆发言人没有想一想,究竟到那里去叛变谁呢?That blockhead of a Chungking spokesman did not stop to think. Against whom would the New Fourth Army be mutinying in that area?

那你可要看看小木偶人因为这些毛病都遭遇了什么可怕的事情!That you but essential points take a look at the small blockhead what dreadful thing to having encountered because of these trouble!

我知道中国长辈们中,有人想重用我,或者逼我跟某个土得掉渣的傻冒结婚。I know that some Chinese elderships would like to put me in an important position or forced me to get married to a very countrified blockhead.

我不想指出至少文学之光塞缪尔约翰森曾说过,“只有傻瓜才不为金钱写作。”I refrained from pointing out that no less a literary light than Samuel Johnson had said, “No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money.”

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发个信息给草包,草包准把手机掏,掏出手机低头看,发现自己是笨蛋。Send an information to give good for nothing, blockhead allows to draw out the mobile phone, draw out skill machine to lower his head to look, him discovery is fool.