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亚里士多德或莫伊乐思?Aristotle or Moyles?

这是亚里士多德的原话That's Aristotle talking.

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亚里士多德到底在说啥?What was Aristotle saying?

亚里士多德是怎么评判我们?What is Aristotle saying about us?

你认为亚里斯多的会怎么说?What do you think Aristotle would say?

亚里士多德不同意康德和罗尔斯。Aristotle disagrees with Kant and Rawls.

怎么会演变到这个地步“?亚里士多德问。How did this come to be?" Aristotle asks.

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亚里士多德告诉我们奴役是自然的演变。Aristotle tells us that slavery is natural.

但贺伯斯眼中的亚里士多德却很不同。But Hobbes saw Aristotle quite differently.

在此,我们必须回到亚力斯多德。It is here that we must return to Aristotle.

有一个关于亚里士多德人生的故事。There's a story about the life of Aristotle.

亚里士多德创建了自己的流派,叫作学园派。Aristotle founded his own school, the lyceum.

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圣托马斯的立场和亚里士多德的立场一样。Saint Thomas's position is that of Aristotle.

亚里士多德否认这种说法。Aristotle denies this explicitly denies this.

但亚里士多德还告诉我们更多。But Aristotle tells us something more than this.

发现第一颗地球是亚里士多德的理想。To find the first Earth was a dream of Aristotle.

他只消请他的夫人把嘴张开亲自数一数就行了。Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted.

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无论如何,这将我们带回到,围绕亚里士多德的谜团。Anyway, this returns us to the enigma of Aristotle.

问题是亚里士多德所谓的奴役为何?The question is what did Aristotle mean by slavery?

我们不能信任所有的人,亚里士多德似乎这么说。We cannot trust all people, Aristotle seems to say.