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旋角羚羊生活在北非洲的撒哈拉沙漠中。The addax lives in the Sahara Desert of northern Africa.

本周末,阿达克斯公司拒绝就中石化报价的相关报道作出任何评论。Addax declined to comment this weekend on reports about Sinopec's offer.

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早前韩国国家石油公司也对阿达克斯有兴趣。Addax has already attracted interest from the Korea National Oil Corporation.

"若交易完成,按交易金额计算,收购Addax将成为中国最大的单笔石油类收购案,"他表示."The Addax buy, if completed, is China's single largest oil acquisition in terms of deal value," he said.

分析人士认为,中国政府现在已将目光投向了更低调的公司,比如阿达克斯公司。Analysts say that the Beijing government will now set its sights on lower-profile companies, such as Addax.

埃达克斯在加蓬、尼日利亚和喀麦隆有业务,中石化在加蓬只涉足石油勘探。Addax has operations in Gabon, where Sinopec has been involved in oil exploration, as well as in Nigeria and Cameroon.

中国石化同意收购在英国上市的埃达克斯石油公司后将获得伊拉克的油田。The Chinese oil group Sinopec is to gain access to reserves in Iraq after agreeing to acquire the UK-listed company Addax.

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与Addax的交易可以让中石化在石油资源丰富的西非及伊拉克库尔德斯坦地区站稳脚跟,为其炼油业务提供稳定的原料供应.The Addax deal will give Sinopec a strong foothold in oil-rich West Africa and Iraqi Kurdistan and a steady supply of oil for its refining operations.

巴格达当局指责库尔德地方政府与Addax等外国石油公司签署了大约30份石油合同属于非法。Authorities in Baghdad have denounced as illegal the roughly 30 oil contracts negotiated between the Kurdish regional government and foreign energy companies like Addax.

伊拉克石油部长称,诸如Addax所签署的合约是非法的,并称在拖延已久的石油法通过以前,绝无可能向这些石油公司支付他们的售油收入.The Iraqi oil minister has described contracts such as those signed by Addax as illegal and ruled out paying the companies for their oil until a long-stalled oil law is agreed.

但诸如收购Addax这样的交易显示出它们正在逐步发展为国际化的石油公司,能够以更加公开的方式达成高规格的跨境交易。But deals like the Addax acquisition show they are gradually growing into international oil companies, capable of striking high-profile, cross-border deals in a more public manner.

埃达克斯石油公司至今所付出的努力和取得的成绩将通过增加的投资总额和勘探开发计划的加速而得到巩固。efforts and accomplishments that Addax Petroleum has achieved thus far will be built on through increased investment in the business and acceleration of development and exploration plans.