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我有一颗虫牙。I have a decayed tooth.

他们的智慧尽归无有吗?Has their wisdom decayed?

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这颗牙蛀得厉害。The tooth is badly decayed.

我的房子是一幢倾圮的房屋。My house is a decayed house.

小,弱或蛀牙。Small, weak or decayed teeth.

牙医填补龋齿。A dentist fills decayed teeth.

人造卫星轨道的能量消减了。The orbit of a space satellite decayed.

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被害粮粒常蛀成孔洞。Food grain was often decayed into holes.

她的一颗蛀牙掉了。One of her decayed teeth had dropped out.

她的牙齿因贪吃甜食而蛀坏。Her teeth decayed because she ate too many sweets.

西班牙的无敌舰队被毁灭后,它的势力就衰退了。Spain's power decayed after her Armada was destroyed.

她的牙齿因贪吃甜食而蛀坏。DECAY】Her teeth decayed because she ate too many sweets.

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气候潮湿使书籍和衣服霉烂了。The dampness of the climate decayed the books and clothes.

提供了决定牙周炎在哪恶化的手段。It's providing a means of deciding where the gum has decayed.

勉强让人得以维生的福利制度已经衰退并被取消。Barely-liveable benefits systems have decayed and been withdrawn.

对于倾斜的残冠,也可通过带角度桩核冠进行改向修复。Angled post-core and crown is also used to restore tilted decayed tooth.

不久,等身体全都腐烂后,会再次被挖出。The body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed.

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热带雨林的地面上,到处可见枯朽的老树。Dry and decayed old trees can be seen everywhere in a tropical rain forest.

在此以前我不经常刷牙,所以我有一些虫牙。Before that time I unuausal washed my tooth so I had a little decayed tooth.

但是我不比一棵被摧残的树好多少,遭受雷击并且已经腐烂。But i am no better than a ruined tree. I'm the lighting struck, and decayed.