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五月的诞生石是翡翠。May's birthstone is the emerald.

五月的诞生石是翡翠。May's birthstone is the emerald.

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它的诞生是为那些出生在二月。It is the birthstone for those born in February.

我出生于十一月,所以我的生辰石是托帕石。I was born in November, so my birthstone is Topaz.

我出生于十一月,所以我的生辰石是托帕石。Mine is Topaz which is the birthstone of November.

每个诞生月份也都有自己的诞生石跟生日花。Each birth month also has its own birthstone and flower.

这是非常受欢迎,因为它是现代三月的诞生石。It is very popular as it is the modern birthstone for March.

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诞生石首饰,似乎已经开始了2000多年前。Birthstone jewelry seems to have started more than 2000 years ago.

由于受金星影响天秤座的代表金属是铜,他们的诞生石是玉。Courtesy of Venus, Libra's metal is copper and their birthstone is Jade.

黄水晶和黄玉诞生石戒指来在不同的形状和大小。Citrine and topaz birthstone rings come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

一些人认为带着别人的诞生石不走运。Some people think that its bad luck to wear a birthstone that isnt yours.

一些人认为带着别人的诞生石不走运。Some people think that it's bad luck to wear a birthstone that isn't yours.

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每个人一生中都会有一块属于自己的宝石,这块宝石也就是生辰石。In one's life, everyone is assigned a precious stone which called birthstone.

确保他们知道他们的诞生石手段,它是如何连接到他们。Make sure they know what their birthstone means and how it is connected to them.

而且作为十一月的生辰石,托帕石能够赐予佩戴者智慧、美丽和健康长寿。As the birthstone of November Topaz brings wisdom, beauty and longevity to its wearer.

当你给某人诞生石戒指,告诉他们有关宝石及其意义。When you give someone a birthstone ring, tell them about the gemstone and its meaning.

生于二月的水瓶座的诞生石是紫水晶,而生于一月的水瓶座的诞生石是石榴石。Amethyst is the birthstone for an Aquarian born in February and garnet for an Aquarian born in January.

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紫水晶是二月出生人士的生日石,亦是结婚六周年的纪念石。Amethyst is the birthstone for the month of February and anniversary gemstone for the 6th year of marriage.

无论你妈妈喜欢佩戴何种样式的首饰,都可以为她定制一份含有你和妈妈两人诞生石的珠宝。Whatever types of jewelry your mom likes to wear get it customized with not only her birthstone but yours as well.

生辰石不仅代表着不同的寓意和传说,而且还赐予了佩戴者各种能力和好运。The birthstone not only holds different meanings and legends, but also grants various powers and lucks to its wearer.