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他们为每个队的比赛作裁判员全年不应超过四个系列比赛。They should not ump any one team's games for more than four series all year.

民调结果显示此次选举对于萨科奇的人民运动联盟来说是可怕的。Opinion polls suggest that the results will be terrible for Mr Sarkozy’s ruling UMP party.

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许多恐怖分子手持的是G36自动步枪或者较小的UMP冲锋枪。Many of the terrorists are carrying H&K G36 assault rifles or the smaller UMP submachinegun.

近几周,现年87岁的贝当古曾说她在符合法律的范围内帮助向UMP提供了资金。Ms. Bettencourt has said in recent weeks that she helped to finance the UMP within legal limits.

对于在任何一支队伍,他们不可以一年四个赛季都担任其裁判......等众多约束。They should not ump any one team's games for more than four series all year. There are plenty more.

法国穆斯林信仰委员会负责人穆罕默德穆萨维则拒绝参与人民运动联盟党的辩论。Mohammed Moussaoui, head of the French Council for the Muslim Faith, refused to join the UMP debate.

执政党人民运动联盟主席柏川德称Mediapart为「使用法西斯手段的网站」。Xavier Bertrand, leader of the ruling UMP party, called Mediapart "a site that uses fascist methods."

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油泵体、主动轮、面板、倒缝操纵杆、上盖、油盘等零件。P ump machine, driving wheel, panel, the operating rod of reverse stitching, top head, oil pan and so on.

萨科奇所在的人民工党联盟多位成员指责他被新婚配偶所“蛊惑”,忘了自己的阵营。Members of Mr Sarkozy's UMP party accuse him of being bewitched by his new spouse and forgetting his own camp.

总统萨科齐所在的人民运动联盟党正在进行一项政教分离的辩论,使该问题再度升温。President Nicolas Sarkozy’s UMP party has raised the temperature by holding a controversial debate on la?cité.

反对派以及萨科齐的UMP党中的一些异见人士表示,回归北约会减弱法国相对于美国的独立性。Opposition critics and some among Mr Sarkozy's UMP party say the move will weaken French independence from the US.

民意调查结果显示,目前他所领导的执政党人民运动联盟与在野党社会党的支持率不相上下。Polls had suggested that his ruling UMP party would be neck-and-neck at this point with the opposition Socialists.

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来自萨科奇先生领导的人民运动联盟的弗朗西斯·古拉德质问道,作为一名总统,他为什么花了那么久才意识到自己的错误。Fran?ois Goulard, from Mr Sarkozy's ruling UMP party asked why it had taken so long for the president to realise his error.

实际上,左派党和中间派党的数目增加意味着法国人民运动联盟很可能会成为欧洲选举的领头羊。Indeed, the proliferation of parties on the left and centre means his UMP party may well come out top in the European election.

若人民运动联盟的危险是没有充分理解地方选举意义的话,社会党的风险就是过度理解地方选举的意义了。If the UMP is in danger of not reading enough into the regional elections, the Socialist Party may be at risk of reading too much.

近几周,现年87岁的贝当古曾说她在符合法律的范围内帮助向UMP提供了资金。Bettencourt has said in recent weeks that she helped to finance the UMP within legal limits. A spokeswoman for the 87-year-old said Tuesday that Ms.

结论嘌呤核苷酸可诱导肠上皮细胞凋亡,嘧啶核苷酸UMP可解除嘌呤核苷酸的凋亡诱导作用。Conclusion Purine nucleotides induce apoptosis of IEC-6, pyrimidine nucleotides UMP could abolish the apoptosis-inducing effects of purine nucleotides.

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在设计了“流动裁判问题”后,研究者提出将裁判员分配到棒球大联盟比赛的方案。斯蒂夫·米尔斯基报道。After formulating the Traveling Umpire Problem, researchers developed solutions to get ump crews to every major league baseball game. Steve Mirsky reports.

法国议员贝尔纳。德勃雷是萨科齐领导的人民运动联盟成员,他对法国广播电台说,对施特劳斯-卡恩的指控是所有法国人的耻辱。French parliament deputy and member of Sarkozy's ruling UMP Party, Bernard Debre, told French radio the allegations against Strauss-Kahn were a humiliation for all of France.

最后一次尝试废除这一过时的法令是在2003年,那时萨科奇总统领导人民运动联盟政党中的一名右翼议员致信给负责性别平等的部长。The latest attempt to remove the outmoded rule was in 2003, when a Right-wing MP from President Nicolas Sarkozy's UMP party wrote to the minister in charge of gender equality.