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怎么说这样的傻话!What a daft thing to say!

他一定是糊涂蛋。He must be daft as a brush!

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绿皮书就是乌托邦式的极权主义的拙劣预演。The Green Book was an exercise, if a daft one, in utopian totalitarianism.

在电子时代,出版一本书仍需耗费数月乃至数年的话,那就实在是太可笑了。In the digital age it is daft to take months or even years to get a book to market.

“我们知道这只是个初级产品,但是谁知道最终会变成什么样呢?”公司负责人马克钱普金斯说。"We know it's daft but who knows what might happen, " said company boss Mark Champkins.

一旦我认识到并且努力实践来克服这些障碍,我就有了一个良好的开端。Once I recognized and worked to get over this daft hang-up, I was ready to start optimizing.

所有人跟我谈过的关于更换标识背后的想法都是愚蠢的。I have never heard anyone say anything that wasn't daft about the thinking behind any change.

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他指出一些新房子正准备建在洪泛区的“明显愚蠢的计划决定”。He pointed to some "frankly daft planning decisions" where new homes were being built on flood plains.

电子邮件扩大了这种口头传播的传统,这就是为什么你邮箱里有很多内容愚蠢的邮件。Email has turbo- charged this oral tradition, which is why your inbox is crammed with daft pass-arounds.

但是,为了男同事和老板们而讨好她们却养肥了糖果制造商,这显得非常的愚蠢。But enriching confectionary makers by ingratiating themselves to male co-workers and bosses is just daft.

瞧那家伙—他竟不顾来往的车辆横穿过了马路。他一定是糊涂蛋。Look at that fellow-he's walked straight across the road without looking at the traffic. He must be daft as a brush!

随便吧,拿上你的‘跪求工作’册子、继续痴迷赛马、哭丧着脸,去脑残到家的地方,让他们雇你吧。Feel free to take your gissa-job brochure, your equine fixation and your miserable face anywhere daft enough to employ you.

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“如果客户不想办法让这两家公司在价格上竞争,从而坐收渔人之利,那将是愚蠢的,”一名熟悉力拓的人士表示。“Customers would be daft if they don't try to play the companies off against each other on price,” said a person close to Rio.

跟那只疯疯癫癫的亲切生物不同,印度尼西亚的这只正牌医生鱼在尾巴附近有一片能伸缩的锋利骨片。Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the b.

然而没有人愚蠢到会说贫穷是发生打劫的理由,只有一部分人坚持认为贫穷和所发生的一切都搭得上关系。While no one is daft enough to say poverty excuses looting, some insist that poverty has everything to do with what has happened.

判位置远离此球员疯狂庆祝地的一个间接任意球以重新开始比赛。Re-start the game with an indirect free-kick to the away team from where he started his daft celebration. Thanks to Richard Woodall.

大笨鹅和呆呆鸭捉迷藏,结实耐用的书页让宝宝的小手不仅可以轻松翻动,又不容易被撕坏!Silly Goose and Daft Duck Play Hide-and-Seek has special sturdy pages that are easy for small hands to turn and strong enough to play with.

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跟那只疯疯癫癫的亲切生物不同,印度尼西亚的这只正牌医生鱼在尾巴附近有一片能伸缩的锋利骨片。Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the base of its tail.

此后,只要你在音乐中听到了吉他,就认定这种音乐一定是流行曲风,因为“里面有吉他!”You’d be a bit daft if every time you heard guitar chords you told people that the music must be a pop song. After all, there’s a guitar in it, right?

在我看来,剑刃长达90厘米的剑是步兵武器的说法无论过去还是现在都是愚蠢的。It seems quite daft to me that it has in the past, and continues to be, assumed that a sword with a blade of 90cm would have been used as an infantry weapon.