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你的'拯救'指是什么?And what is Salvation?

那是我们唯一的救赎。That’s our one salvation.

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故云救世必先救心。Guyun salvation must save the heart.

这是在教我们靠作工得救吗?Is this teaching salvation by works?

牵我的手,我来领你得到拯救。Take my hand, I lead you to salvation.

上帝说对你的救赎并非意外。God says your salvation is no accident.

这份救恩的福乐是无价的。This benefit of salvation is priceless.

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这所房屋是可以救命的。This house might prove their salvation.

在拯救的日子,我济助了你。In the day of salvation I will help you.

我们救世军能够抹平朝鲜。Our Salvation Army could whoop N. Korea.

剩下的就托付给救世军吧。Give away the rest to the Salvation Army.

我们的救世完全在上帝手中。Our salvation is entirely in God's hands.

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救恩之路就是真理之道。The way of salvation is the way of truth.

耶和华要将救恩定为城墙,为外郭。God makes salvation its walls and ramparts.

愿君降临,赐予我们救赎……Hope you can befall, bring us the salvation.

一个突如其来的礼物救赎了我嗷嗷待哺的心灵。Salvation presented itself in the form of a present.

看那火,拯救在其中漫步。The Soul. Look on that fire, salvation walks within.

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就当恐惧战兢做成你们得救的工夫。Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

但愿以色列的救恩从锡安而出。Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!

但愿以色列的救恩从锡安而出。Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion!