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呼吸性细支气管末端有括约肌。The end of the respiratory bronchiole has a sphincter.

病理形态特点是呼吸性细支气管全层受累。Pathologically, all layers of the respiratory bronchiole walls were involved.

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本实用新型可用于毛细支气管及肺泡的给药。The utility model is applicable to the administration for bronchiole and pulmonary alveolar.

结论外源性PS可缓解平滑肌痉挛,并有减轻气道炎症反应的客观征象。Exterior PS could relieve spasm of bronchiole smooth muscle and alleviate airway inflammation.

全腺泡型肺气肿发生时则出现从呼吸性细支气管到肺泡的腺泡所有部分全部扩张。Panacinar emphysema occurs with loss of all portions of the acinus from the respiratory bronchiole to the alveoli.

少数情况下小叶中心支气管充气,可见环形影中的小叶中心结节。In occasional cases, the air-filled centrilobular bronchiole can be recognized as a rounded lucency within a centrilobular nodule.

包括呼吸困难,呼吸急促,咳嗽,剧烈震动和喘息,通常是由于缩小的细支气管管。Breathing difficulties include shortness of breath, coughing, rattling and wheezing, normally as a result of the narrowing of the bronchiole tubes.

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胎粪进入肺内,可在细支气管和肺泡产生严重的炎性反应,引起多种细胞因子的释放。Meconium entered into lungs, induced the serious inflammation responses in bronchiole and the pulmonary alveolus and caused many kinds of cytokine to release.

证明气肿腔与其近端呼吸性细支气管和细支气管相通,未见狭窄或不完全阻塞,提出开放性肺气肿的新理论。It is seen that enlarged air spaces is communicated with proximal respiratory bronchioles and bronchioles, no narrow or incompleted narrow bronchiole were found.

未见胸膜下结节,部分结节位于小气道旁或内见气影,为扩张的小叶中心支气管。Subpleural nodules are not visible, and some nodules are clearly related to small airways or contain a central lucency , representing a centrilobular bronchiole.

肺部虽未找到细菌,但发现有明显的病变存在,如细支气管的微绒毛脱落,并可见坏死区。Although the bacteria were not detected in lung, the pathologic changes were obvious such as abruption of microvilli from bronchiole and the necrosis area in lung.

肺呼吸部肺泡管的数量多,每支呼吸性细支气管分出多条肺泡管,肺泡管宽大。Each respiratory bronchiole breaks up abundant generous alveolar ducts. A Lot of smaller and collapsed pulmonary alveolus have been observed surrounding the alveolar ducts.

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层粘连蛋白呈线状或索状分布于肺泡隔、肺泡上皮、小血管及细支气管上皮基底膜。Laminin was strong stained and found in alveolar septum, epithelial cells of alveolar, and the basement membranes of bronchiole and pulmonary vessels in cordal and linear distribution.