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祝你旅途愉快。Have a good trip.

来次自行车旅行?Take a bike trip?

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省的我白跑一趟。To save me the trip.

参加一次短宣的事工。Go on a mission trip.

好,祝你一路平安。Ok. Have a good trip.

旅次发生率?。Trip Generation Rate?

一路平安,走好。Have a safe trip home.

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计划休假的旅行。To plan a vacine trip.

我是观光旅行。I'm on a pleasure trip.

乘船游湖。A boat trip on the lake.

也参加过由耶鲁组织去那儿的旅游I did a Yale trip there.

我需要那次回家之行。I needed that trip home.

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如果可以我想散心旅行。If I want to travel trip.

祝愿你们一路顺风…May you have a fine trip.

来此时空穿梭旅行吧!Take a trip through time.

昨天我们起下一趟钻。We made a trip yesterday.

考虑一下去魁北克旅游。Consider a trip to Québec.

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那是一次迷人的旅行。It was a fascinating trip.

好,回家一路平安。OK, have a safe trip home.

到干洗店去?A trip to the dry cleaners?