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拱点的或与之相关的。Of or relating an apse.

在北侧半圆壁龛另有一块相似的石头。A similar rocky protrusion was noticed in the north apse.

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事实上,石头是在圣堂靠近半圆壁龛处被发现的。As a matter of fact, the stone was found close by the apse of the church.

它设计得像一座普通的罗马长方形基督教堂,有三条走廊和一个半圆形的后殿。It is designed like a generic Roman basilica, with three aisles and an apse.

原来那个凸显进深的后殿如今得到了修复。The old apse gave an important illusion of depth which has now been restored.

这就让我们更加注意圆顶和后殿的壁画。The chapel is just the frosted glass walls and the frescoes on the dome and apse.

基督教的教堂常以放在东端的后堂或圣坛朝向。Christian churches have usually been oriented with the apse or altar at the eastern end.

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有一批石造工程,规模相当低,围绕在主要的壁龛,另有二个壁龛是较显著的。A block of masonry, fairly low in dimensions. surrounds the main apse. The other two apses are prominent.

1894年,拱形门完工了,1899年的玫瑰门也完工了—这是通向诞生回廊的大门。In 1894 the apse façade was finished and in 1899 the Roser door, one of the entrances to the Nativity cloister.

教堂的设计采用传统的罗马方堂建筑结构,有三条走廊通向放置圣坛的半圆形后殿。The Church is laid out in the typical Roman basilica design, with three aisles leading to a semicircular apse containing the altar.

长方形廊柱大厅基督教堂相同设计的基督教堂建筑,包括有半圆形的教堂正厅,两边或四边的走廊,一个门厅和一个高窗。A christian church building of a similar design having a nave with a semicircular apse two or four side aisles a narthex and a clerestory.

在大教堂半圆型壁龛上建有一个突出的造型,之前它是橄榄园的东边边界。The apse of the basilica of the Agony is built on a rocky outcrop which must have once formed the eastern boundary of the "Garden of Olives."

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在小礼堂的内部空间被位于拱点的圣坛位置的一系列具有历史感的图案的木屏风分隔。Inside the chapel will be decorated with a series of historic icons set into a timber screen separating the nave from the altar area in the apse.