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飞流直下三千尺。Plunging headlong three thousand feet.

这家公司的债台越筑越高。The company is plunging deeper into debt.

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那么我为什么要在市场跌跌不休时往里投钱呢?So why am I buying when the market is plunging?

尤其是制造业,都在跳水。Manufacturing, in particular, is plunging everywhere.

湖光旖旎、峭壁峥嵘,游客们被深深吸引了。The view of lake and plunging cliff seduces visitors.

一群全身裹满了泥巴的日本人跳入温泉。This crowd of Japanese men is plunging into spring with mud.

战祸复发,生灵涂炭。War broke out again, plunging the people into misery and suffering.

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一次经济低迷会不会很快让人丁兴旺之景再度幻灭?Would an economic downturn quickly send head-counts plunging again?

漂白是将食物放进开水里,通常非常快。To blanch involves plunging food into boiling water, usually very quickly.

人们都忧心忡忡地眼瞅着股票价格一路狂跌,无计可施。People have been anxiously wondering as they watch the plunging stock market.

飞流直下的河水撞击谷底,也发出终年不息的轰鸣声。The plunging water also sends out a never-ending roar as it strikes the bottom.

一个新发现的彗星正在冲向太阳而且极可能不会幸存。A newly-discovered comet is plunging toward the sun and probably will not survive.

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然则窗边的空隙上,她闻声有东西在来回坚定。Yet in the space near the window, she heard and saw something plunging to and fro.

曾经呈自由落体状的收入和回报不再倒栽葱般跌入毁灭。Earnings and revenue that had been in free fall aren't plunging toward destruction.

制作录影带的费用急遽降低,印制书面资料的费用反而正在上涨。Video production costs are plunging even as the cost of printed materials is increasing.

熔岩在毫无生机的地面蜿蜒流过,形成宽阔的长河与汹涌的大瀑布。This lava also streaks the blasted landscape in huge winding rivers and plunging cataracts.

可是一连串银行丑闻和低迷不振的油价对当地经济与就业市场造成重创。But banking scandals and plunging oil prices devastated the local economy and the job market.

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但是这是你被厨刀所指着的右手,还是那假的,塑料的右手呢?But is it your right hand the kitchen knife is plunging toward, or a false, rubber right hand?

姆拉迪奇23岁的女儿自杀了,据报道这让他深深地陷入了沮丧当中。Mladic's 23-year-old daughter commits suicide, reportedly plunging him into a deep depression.

但是,尼日利亚陷入普选后暴乱局面的可能性极大。Nevertheless, the danger of Nigeria plunging into postelection violence is a real possibility.