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拿破仑纳瓦罗是中国国家开发署副主任。Napoleon Navarro is the deputy country director of the UNDP in China.

联合国开发计划署和SUM公司在1997年2月共同启动了“微启动”计划。Together with SUM, UNDP launched the MicroStart programme in February 1997.

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该项目得到了联合国艾滋病规划署,联合国开发署和福特基金会的联合支持。This Project is supported or funded by UNAIDS, UNDP and Ford Foundation, etc.

新民主联合党发言人金孝硕说,这些抗议者并非反美。UNDP floor leader Kim says the protesters should not be seen as anti-American.

详情请联络联合国开发计划署驻华代表处新闻官张薇女士。For more information, please contact Ms. Zhang Wei, Communications Officer, UNDP China.

1996年至2000年间,他出任联合国开发计划署发展政策局“资讯技术促进发展专案”主管。From 1996-2000 he was Director of the Information Technologies for Development Programme of UNDP.

让福建也成为联合国工发组织和UNDP联合开展项目的另一个地方试点吧。Let Fujian be another good place for UNIDO's pilot plot for joint programming with UNDP in the world.

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但联合国开发计划署的官员表示,由于计算方法与去年不同,榜单并不完全可比。But UNDP officials said the figures were not fully comparable due to changes in calculation methods this year.

这将有利于整个商界,同时协助中国政府和联合国开发计划署实现千年发展目标。This will benefit the business community at large, as well as assist the Chinese government and UNDP in reaching the MDG’s.

中国联合国及中国国际经济技术交流中心也向这一节目提供援助。UNDP China and China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges also offered assistance to the radio program.

开发署在2001年、2002年和2003年的投资效益超过伦敦银行同业12个月拆放利率这一基准,在2004年和2005年则低于基准。UNDP outperformed the 12-month LIBOR benchmark during the years 2001, 2002 and 2003 and underperformed during the years 2004 and 2005.

联合国开放计划署希望该项目最终能覆盖中国的所有省区,并且帮助中国减少气候变化带来的危害。The UNDP hopes the projects will eventually be spread to all provinces and regions in China to help lessen the impacts of climate change.

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艾哈迈德星期天晚上从摩加迪沙一座清真寺做完礼拜回家途中,被人近距离枪杀。UNDP chief Osman Ali Ahmed was gunned down at close range Sunday evening as he returned home from evening prayers at a mosque in Mogadishu.

Laroche博士将于2008年2月1日就职,他目前是驻索马里的联合国驻地协调员和人道主义事务协调员以及开发计划署代表。Dr Laroche, who will take up his post 1 Februrary 2008, is currently UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Representative in Somalia.

但是新民主联合党发言人金孝硕星期二说,这项自由贸易协议在即将于本星期晚些时候结束的本届国会里实际上处于“搁置”状态。However, UNDP floor leader Kim Hyo-seuk said Tuesday the free trade deal is essentially "on hold" for the parliament session ending later this week.

李冰冰在环保和绿色运动方面所作出的努力为人所熟知,这为她赢得了联合国开发计划署授予的中国亲善大使称号。Li’s well-recognized efforts in environmental protection and green campaigning have earned her the title of UNDP China National Goodwill Ambassador.

联合国开发计划署很高兴能够与联合国其他驻华机构一起,带动这个项目的实现。UNDP is pleased to be leading this initiative together with our partner UN agencies in China, " said Subinay Nandy, Country Director of UNDP China."

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给UNDP基金拨款的国家将会收到一份避免温室气体排放的信贷,可能部分抵消他们国家的石油燃烧费用。Countries that paid into the UNDP fund would receive a credit for the avoided greenhouse gas emissions, potentially offsetting some of their own oil burning.

最近值得注意的是约翰·赖根于2008年8月访问塔宝拉,并将进行由联合国开发计划署制定的一个千年发展项目。Of a more recent character is a noteworthy visit by John Legend in August 2008 to Tabora and the Millenium Development program run by the UNDP close to Tabora.

联合国开发计划署21日称,索马里反政府武装派别"青年党"民兵闯入设在当地的两处联合国机构驻地,劫走了紧急通讯设备及汽车。Gunmen from a Somali militia group raided 2 UN compounds in the Horn of Africa nation, looting emergency communication equipment and vehicles, the UNDP said Tuesday.