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这个区域称为稀疏区,并用疏散的小点表示。This is called a rarefaction and is represented by widely spaced dots.

文中分别给出反射冲击波和反射稀疏波两种情况的迭代收敛计算公式。The formulas of both reflection shock waves and rarefaction waves are given.

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这些振动会导致周遭空气被压缩及稀少。Those vibrations result in the compression and rarefaction of the surrounding air.

实验过程中,通过不同的点火方案诱导出不同传播方向的稀疏波与火焰发生干涉作用。The results show that the rarefaction wave influences the premixed flame structure and propagation greatly.

他相信物质的改变可以被解释为一系列的气体的稀释和浓缩。He believed that the changes things undergo could be explained in terms of rarefaction and condensation of air.

稀薄效应趋于弱化激波等超声速流动结构,物体影响域增大。Rarefaction effect tends to make supersonic flows move smoothly, and to enlarge the influence domain of cylinder.

骨质疏松症的证候特征应辨别“松”与“痛”,治则常分“肾”与“脾”。Osteoporosis has syndrome characteristics of bone rarefaction and body pain, which should be carefully differentiated.

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多样性指数之间的比较,需要样方的面积大小相等,否则没有实际意义。Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou evenness index were used to compare and check the feasibility of rarefaction in practice.

气相爆轰波在右壁面反射后,右行稀疏波加速反射激波。After gaseous detonation reflects on the right wall, the right-traveling rarefaction waves accelerate the reflected shock.

数值模拟结果表明,稀薄效应对气体阻尼的影响较大,随着克努森数的不断增大,气体阻尼逐渐减小。Simulation results show that rarefaction effect plays an important role in gas damping, which decreases as Kn Number increases.

本文介绍了在双驱动激波管中运用稀疏波破膜的技术。This paper presents an experimental technique of diaphragm bursting by virtue of the rarefaction wave in double driver shock tube.

从近连续流到近自由分子流,计算分析超声速流场的稀薄效应。Rarefaction effect on supersonic flow fields in the transition from near continuum to near free-molecule flow is analyzed numerically.

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结果通过对40例骨折患者的病因分析,认识到该疾病是由骨质疏松、血钙重吸收所致。Results Etiological analysis for 40 cases of bone fracture patients indicated the disease was due to bone rarefaction and blood calcium reabsorption.

计算表明,努森数是表征稀薄效应的特征参数,而热蠕动效应的强弱依赖于雷诺数。Simulations show that Kn is a key parameter in determining the magnitude of rarefaction effects while Re is a key parameter indicating the thermal creep.

因此本文的动机是模拟空穴流场在稀薄区域上的应用。Several applications require consideration of rarefaction , which motivates the present thesis to focus on simulation of driven cavity flows in this region.

溃坝洪水波通常为迅变或间断流动,同时兼有急流和缓流、压缩波和稀疏波等流态。Dam-break flood waves often vary rapidly or even discontinuously, with both rapid and tranquil flow behaviors, as well as both compression and rarefaction waves.

气压分布的有效效应是最大气压变化幅度在最大压缩点和最小压力在最大稀薄点。The net effect on the pressure distribution is maximum pressure amplitude at points of maximum compression and minimum pressure at points of maximum rarefaction.

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并结合管道瞬变模型法与负压波法建立多维判别法则,解决输油管道泄漏检测及漏点定位的问题。By combining the transient change model method and rarefaction wave method, the multidimensional rules to detect the leakage and locate the leak point were set up.

重力会压缩致密区域内的气体,并因声波相位的不同,而可能加强或抵消声波所造成的压缩或稀释。Gravity compresses the gas in denser regions and, depending on the phase of the sound wave , can alternately enhance or counteract sonic compression and rarefaction.

延庆县城形成了错落有致、疏密结合的城市布局和山水相间、特色鲜明的园林城市风貌。Yanqing County forms an orderly urban layout combining rarefaction and density and the garden city scene with both mountain and water and distinctive characteristics.