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“很少”这里都是委婉的说法。"Rarely" is a euphemism there.

受教育程度高的人更多地使用委婉语。Euphemism is more used by highly-educated people.

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这种华而不实的风格本身就是一种委婉语。The inflated style itself is a kind of euphemism.

殡葬雅语是一个主要组分它。Funerary euphemism is an important component of it.

我们都知道“非和平方式”就是“开战”的意思。As we all know, "non-peaceful means"is a euphemism for "going to war.

达德利日记里描述的得救情形,委婉得让人震惊。Dudley describes their rescue in his diary with staggering euphemism.

一方认为“性工作者”这一称呼是危险的含糊其辞的委婉说法。One side regards "sex worker" as a dangerously obfuscatory euphemism.

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长期以来,英语委婉语是语用学研究的一个热门话题。English euphemism has long been one of hot topics in pragmatic research.

婉语是一个语言学概念,同时也是一种社会现象和文化现象。Euphemism as a linguistic concept is also a social and cultural phenomenon.

委婉语是各个民族长期的语言和文化现象。Euphemism is long-standing linguistic and cultural phenomenon in every nation.

当人们说有极大的兴趣时,那是对卷入争议的一种赞美。When someone says great interest, that's a euphemism for embroiled in controversy.

第二节论述了英汉委婉语的具体构成方式。The second chapter focuses on the formational devices of Chinese and English euphemism.

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但身材高大且有学者派头的瓦尼并没有把她的发言要点用法律术语或者委婉说法掩盖起来。But Varney, tall and professorial, did not hide her message behind legalese or euphemism.

第二,委婉语的构成机制是转喻而非隐喻。Secondly, the formation mechanism for English euphemism is metonymy rather than metaphor.

而这句话也成了官员嚣张和免罚的委婉说法。My father is Li Gang! "That phase became a euphemism for official arrogance and impunity."

委婉语是一种社会语言现象,它与社会文化域呈现出一种映现关系。Euphemism is a social linguistic phenomenon, and has a reflective relation to social culture.

第三章从语用的角度分析了委婉语的社会功用。The third chapter talks about the social functions of euphemism from the angle of pragmatics.

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委婉语是交际中一种与直接语相对应而存在的普遍语言现象。The euphemism is a kind of common linguistic phenomenon which exists relatively to direct speech.

总有一些模棱两可的暗指——比如‘测试设备'或者‘基地'——但就是没有‘第51区'。There's always a euphemism for it -- like 'the test facility' or 'the base' -- but never Area 51.

本文旨在利用语用学的原理来剖析委婉语的本质特点。This essay is attempting to analyze the nature of euphemism from the point of view of pragmatics.