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他被撵出了酒吧间。He was backed off the bar.

现在我们回到这里。Now we've backed up to here.

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驾驶员把车退开了一些。The driver backed off a bit.

他们放弃了这笔交易。They backed out of the deal.

他不愿考虑这个意见。He backed away from the idea.

过去它被金子支持。It used to be backed by gold.

所以我们只好回去,继续等待。So we backed away and waited.

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汽车拥塞,首尾相接长达数英里。The cars backed up for miles.

交通阻塞长达一英里。Traffic backed up for a mile.

现在,我们的书都包了皮。All our books have now been backed.

她把车倒进汽车库。She backed the car into the garage.

那匹马看到汽车惊得往后倒退。He backed the car out of the garage.

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他同意承担这出新戏的费用。He backed the costs of the new play.

他的良多伴侣撑持他的方案。Many of his friends backed his plan.

她开倒车通过大门。She backed the car through the gate.

张任自退入东门去了。Zhang Ren backed into the east gate.

它们是背部相接。And, they are sort of backed into it.

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耶稣会支持伊拉克战争吗?Would Jesus have backed the Iraq war?

他驾船倒驶离开码头。He backed his boat away from the pier.

洛莉靠在一张医疗桌旁。Lorrie backed up to a treatment table.