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罗杰是一个书呆子。Roger is an egghead.

他是艾格赫德教授。It was Professor Egghead.

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他被认为是一位知识分子。The man was regarded as am egghead.

信我啦,我可以呃到个蠢材。Believe me, I can fool that egghead.

大学里的书呆子对生意一窍不通。The egghead in the university knows nothing about business.

尽管她爱好阅读,但她不认为自己是个书呆子。In spite of her love of reading she denied being an egghead.

杰克在学校里成绩平平,但他的姐姐很有学问。Jake didn't make very good grades in school, but his sister was a real egghead.

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我得告诉你,比尔上了大学后,他真是变成了一个书生气十足的人。I have to tell you that since he went to college, Bill has turned into a real egghead.

我得告诉你,比尔上了大学后,他真是变成了一个书生气十足的人。I have to tell you that since he went off to college, Bill has turned into a real egghead.

我的告诉你,比尔上了大学后,他真是变成了一个书生气十足的人。I have to tell you that since he went off to college, Bill has turned into a real egghead.

也许这只是另一个令人咋舌的书呆子学术现象,其他的一些商业领域的研究也对该结果投了赞成票。While this may just be another one of those egghead academic phenomena, other recent studies from the business world lend some support.

“蛋头”用来描述一个极为讨厌的聪明人,说他是蛋是因为大家觉得聪明人的头都比常人大,而且看起来像是倒置的蛋。An "egghead" is an annoyingly intelligent person, so-called because smart people are thought to have larger heads which look like upside-down eggs.

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三位教授听见喊声奋力向火车奔去,其中两个赶在火车开动前上了车,另一个教授被甩在了后面。The professors heard the guard and rushed for the train.Two of them got on the train before it moved.The third one was left behind.It was Professor Egghead.

受过高等教育的人在这些方面也不见得有什么高等素质,到处不伦不类、没有章法、和环境不协调。The egghead is in these respects also what does not likely have advanced quality, everywhere nondescript , without art of composition, do not coordinate with the environment.