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好一幅清新水彩画。Good a pure and fresh aquarelle.

学习如何绘制在这个自由录像艺术课使用的船只水彩画水彩铅笔画。Learn how to draw boats using aquarelle pencils in your watercolor painting in this free video art lesson.

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了解如何在这个自由画艺术课水分利用视频在您的铅笔水彩画水彩画。Learn how to paint water using aquarelle pencils in your watercolor painting in this free video art lesson.

学习如何绘制在这个自由录像艺术课使用的一个山坡上水彩铅笔画水彩画。Learn how to draw a hillside using aquarelle pencils for your watercolor painting in this free video art lesson.

裴发邦,中国美术家协会浙江分会会员、浙江省水彩画协会会员。He's a member of Zhejiang Chinese Artists Association, branch and member of Aquarelle Association of Zhejiang Province.

了解为什么和如何降低磁带在使用前水彩画水彩纸铅笔,创造一个在这个自由录像艺术课水彩画。Learn why and how to tape down watercolor paper before using aquarelle pencils to create a watercolor painting in this free video art lesson.

两幅形分意的水彩画,方正的挂于床前,透出主人含蓄平和的东方情怀。Two form divide the aquarelle of meaning, of Founder before be being hanged at the bed, give the Oriental feelings with master gentle reservation fully.

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现任职于宁波经济技术开发区控股有限公司所属新世纪旅游发展有限公司美术设计师、宁波市水彩画协会北仑区副会长。Now he acts as the art designer of New Century Tourism development Co. Ltd in Ningbo and the deputy CDR of aquarelle association, Beilun district, Ningbo.

水彩具有流畅、明快的特性,很适合表现大气的光影与色彩,丰富而透明的层次是其他媒材所不能及。Aquarelle is affluent and sprightly so that it is so suitable to express the lights, shadows, and colors of atmosphere with ample and transparent layers, which other materials cannot compare to.

很多人喜欢在家中安排一、两件艺术品。对西式非花家具而言,可挂油画、水彩画、装饰画,也可以用浮雕来装饰。A lot of people like to be arranged in the home one, two artwork. beautiful to Western-style blame furniture, can hang picture of canvas, aquarelle , adornment, also can be decorated with anaglyph.