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卡马也是印度教女神的爱的名称。Kama is also the name of the Hindu Goddess of love.

卡马经文对不同的人有着不同的意味。The Kama Sutra means different things to different people.

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我给自己准备的结婚礼物就是全套的印度爱经。I think my wedding gift to myself would be the complete Kama Sutra package.

当我们想到的卡马经我们要尝试和了解背后的理据。When we think of The Kama Sutra we have to try and understand the reasoning behind it.

爱卡丽对目标造成魔法伤害,并对其施加一层印记,效果持续6秒。Akali spins her kama at a target enemy to deal magic damage and mark the target for 6 seconds.

彼尔姆苏联东欧部分一城市,位于卡马河畔、乌拉尔山脉的山脚下。A city of eastern European U. S. S. R. on the Kama River in the foothills of the Ural Mountains.

相比之下,香槟是不错的选择,但是要选择一个不太酸的以避免弄巧成拙引起消化不良。Champagne is a better bet, but choose a less acidic one, lest exotic Kama Sutra-style acts cause indigestion.

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当然,我会爱写这些卡马经的立场提供惊天动地的高潮,为大家。Of course, I would love to write that these Kama Sutra positions provide earth-shattering orgasms for everyone.

高红健校长因母亲病重需回家照顾,于上学期结束时离开了嘉玛。Ms. Gao Hong Jian left KAMA at the end of last semester to look after her mother who has been ill. This semester Mr.

对印度人来说即使在电视上看到一个接吻的镜头那都是件大事儿而且相当怪异,尤其是在这个发明了迦摩箴言的国家。ForIndians even a kissing scene from a movie is a big deal and that is quite odd,especially since the country invented Kama Sutra.

白羊座喜欢尝试和走极端,因此,当翻阅印度爱经时,白羊座的爱人们可能正在奋笔从头写起。Aries loves to experiment and to take things to the limit, so, roll over Kama Sutra, the Aries lover is writing it all from scratch!

那边是一座“KAMA”轮胎制造厂,所用的橡胶就来自旁边的工厂。And right next to itthere is a tire making factory which is making "KAMA" tires from the rubberjust processed at the plant next door.

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方法对47例伴有焦虑症状的抑郁发作病人和32例不伴焦虑症状的抑郁发作病人进行临床对照分析。Method 47 depressive inpatients with anxiety symptoms and 32 depressive inpatients without anxiety symptoms had been evaluated by HAMD, KAMA and soon.