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摇摆萨米当他摇摇晃晃。Sammy wiggled when he wobbled.

英勇的狗儿萨米与索�…Gallant Canines Sammy and Thor.

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沙米很喜欢玩耍与撒娇。Sammy loves to play and cuddle.

我是今晚的主持人-来自05级6班的典典。I'm Sammy from Class 6, Grade 2005.

我告诉森美,我想这样做。I told Sammy that I wanted to do it.

上帝,塞米,你打算怎么办?Jesus, Sammy. What're you going to do?

我有两个新朋友。他们是萨米和帕特。I have two new friends. They are Sammy and Pat.

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萨米收到钱的时候,非常激动,立刻坐下来写感谢信。When Sammy got the money, he was so excited that

我们是初生的鸟儿,但我们有伟大的梦想。"We are newborn birds, but we have big dreams, " Sammy cries.

不久之前,山米看来还是能够保持清醒的头脑。Until recently Sammy has seemed to be retaining his hard sanity.

我有只名叫山米的宠物狗,它和我的祖父母住在加拿大。I have a dog named Sammy who lives in Canada with my grandparents.

因此对于塞米·索萨来说,在棒球里填充软木是个馊主意——因为他曾试过这样作弊被抓。So a corked bat is a bad idea for Sammy Sosa, who got caught using one.

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她用不着利用萨米·泰勒这样的无赖来压价。She doesn't need to use a scoundrel like Sammy Tyler to get lower price.

拉法和萨米。李在比赛前也来到了更衣室与我们进行了交流。Rafa was here as well and came in the dressing room before with Sammy Lee.

阿勒戴斯的继任者萨米。李准备留住这位射手。Sammy Lee, Allardyce's successor, is keen to retain the striker , however.

每次姚易和山姆去广州,他们都想在城市挥洒红火的青春。Every time Roy and Sammy come to Guangzhou, they want to paint the town red.

黑白影像捕捉到1969年歌手小萨米·戴维斯在伦敦的花花公子俱乐部亲吻一位女宾的瞬间。Here, singer Sammy Davis Jr. kisses a guest at the London Playboy Club in 1969.

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目前,棒球有马克‧马奎尔和山米‧苏萨两位全垒打王。Currently, baseball has Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa, the home run-hitting kings.

萨米坐在湍急的溪流边闻着香甜的葵花籽。Sammy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting Beside a swift stream.

森美·戴维斯惊人出色地模仿了每个歌手的风格和方式。Sammy Davis, Jr. did a remarkable job mimicking each singer’s style and mannerisms.