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他不反对科学假设。Newton did not object to scientific postulation.

所以很多人拒绝接受牛顿关于万有引力的假设。So a lot of people objected to Newton's postulation of this gravitational force.

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集中质量反复撞击固支铝合金圆板的试验结果证实了理论的预报。The postulation is confirmed by the results of repeated mass impact on a fully clamped circular plate.

根据柯赫氏法则和生物学特性,鉴定为黄瓜褐斑病,又叫靶斑病。The pathogen was identified as cucumber target leaf spot according to Koch s Postulation and biological characteristics.

本文介绍了脉冲堆两个最大假想事故——堆水池失水并使堆芯裸露和脉冲棒误发射事故分析结果。This report presents analysis results of two maximum postulation accidents for pulsed reactor with 1MW steady-state power.

诺思罗普教授说过,概念的主要类型有两种,一种是用直觉得到的、一种是用假设得到的。Professor Northrop has said that there are two major types of concepts, that achieved by intuition and that by postulation.

因此,Wilson认为类似的基因研究结果不能证明人们的行为完全由基因决定这一假设。Wilson thus believes that such evidence discreditsthe postulation that people's behaviors are totally dictatedby their genes.

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化合物的分子结构决定其性能,这是化学中的一个基本假设。The postulation that the molecular structure of a compound predetermines its properties is a universal principle in chemistry.

提供经验证据,以支持任命的土地信息系统的能力可以大大提高整体素质的后勤工作。Offered empirical evidence to support the postulation that LIS capabilities can significantly enhance overall competence in logistics.

本文利用中国制造业数据,对这一假设进行了实证检验,并利用国外数据进行了比较研究。An empirical research is taken with data from manufacturing in China to verify aforesaid postulation and compare with overseas practice.

他进一步指出,如果这种情况属实,那麽它也是反对行为完全由基因决定这一假设的一个理由。If that is the case, he continued, it too is anargument against the postulation that people's behaviors aretotally controlled by their genes.

根据广义塑性公设,证明了塑性余位势函数在应变空间塑性区的存在性。The plastic complementary potential function was proved to exist in the plastic region of strain space by virtue of the new plastic postulation.

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第一,Croll认为,微软应该制作把具有不同功能的产品做成一个与软件匹配且同步的完美组合。First, there’s Croll’s postulation that Microsoft needs to bring its various devices into a single melding pot of synchronic software-mating bliss.

心理学家对于人类心理的普遍性本身及如何对其加以研究却一直没有加以明确的分析说明。The mainstream western psychology is based on a postulation that there exist some universals in human mentality, but this postulation is also widely disputed.

会计假设反映环境特征,是财务会计最基础的概念,决定财务会计的基本特征,属于财务会计概念框架的最高层次。The accounting postulation reflects its environmental features, which are the fundamental conceptions and decide the basic traits of finance and belong to the supreme levels.

互惠性偏好正逐渐成为经济学研究的热点问题,并对传统的“经济人”假设提出了挑战。The reciprocity motivation is gradually becoming the hot spot of economical research and provides the strong challenge to the postulation about "the rational economical men".

也许对于专家小组关于自由意志的主张最严重的批评是在小组中没有专家持与这一主张相反的观点。But perhaps the greatest critique that could be leveled againstthe panelists' free-will postulation is that there were no scientistson the panel who spoke to the other side of the issue.

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随着时代的进步,学术期刊编辑诚信的价值必然由个人美德范畴超越到社会运行规则,从个性理念的追求走向制度公设范畴。With the social development, credibility of academic journal editors has moved beyond the category of ethics and personal pursuit into a requirement of social operation and system postulation.

另外,现行的公路桥涵设计规范,在对桥梁受弯构件承载能力计算中采用了一些基本假定,导致计算结果过于保守。Besides, the current bridge and culvert design criterion takes some basic postulation during the calculation of the bridge's member in bending, which results in over-conservative numeric value.

白云岩成因的研究目前还处于假说阶段,主要包括蒸发、渗透回流、海水、混合水以及埋藏白云岩化作用五种模式。The research on dolomite genesis is in postulation stage at present, which includes five models of vaporization, infiltration and circumfluence, sea water, mixing water and buried dolomitization.