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普鲁士容克就是欧洲的路霸。The Prussian Junker is the road-hog of Europe.

这可能就是为什么他们要买这一破玩艺儿,作为开端。That's probably why they bought this junker to just start working on it.

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第二天恩佐的那辆破旧不堪的破车不在他公寓外面的车位上。The next day Enzo's battered junker wasn't in the slot outside his apartment.

容克和她的邻居们收拾行李,准备撤离在片刻的通知。Junker and her neighbors had packed their bags, ready to evacuate at a moment's notice.

我甚至买了一辆破汽车并且把我家里更贵的一辆卖了来填补这笔开销。I'deven bought an old junker car and left my more expensive one at home tobe sold to cover the bills.

我甚至买了一辆破汽车并且把我家里更贵的一辆卖了来填补这笔开销。I'd even bought an old junker car and left my more expensive one at home to be sold to cover the bills.

我要放下破车,这样才能在火车冲过前把卡车从铁轨上吊下来。I'm going to drop the junker so I can tow the truck off the tracks before a freight train blows through.

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经济显然仍在复苏之中,并在延续至第四季."The recovery is clearly ongoing and will continue into the fourth quarter as well," said Simon Junker of Commerzbank.

水平螺丝松脱测试当中,强力锁紧螺母的抓紧时间要比其他同类产品长。Hard Lock Nuts also retained their grip longer than competitor versions in a series of Junker Horizontal Screw Looseness Tests.

卢森堡首相容克支持这个想法,但欧洲两个重要国家德国和法国则排除了这种可能性。Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Junker champions the idea, but European heavyweights Germany and France have ruled it out.

可能的竞争者包括英国前首相和现任首相让克劳德容克对卢森堡托尼布莱尔。Possible contenders include former prime minister Tony Blair of Britain and current prime minister Jean-Claude Junker of Luxembourg.

通过领导和推动德意志的政治统一,容克和普鲁士最终确立了在德意志现代化进程中的领导地位。As the result of leading and forming the political union of Germany, Junker and Prussia finally won the leadership in the process of the country's modernization.

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乡村容克指普鲁士的贵族庄园主,主要是征服易北河以东地区并在那里进行殖民的德意志骑士领主的后裔。Rural Junker refers to the noble lord of manor in Prussia, mostly the descendants of the lords of German knights, who conquest the east of the Elbe as their colony.

面对经济变革所产生的强烈的政治和社会变革要求,容克在政治上做出了一定的调整和适应。Facing the crying need for political and social reform brought about by the economic reform, the Junker had made some adjustments to conform to the trend of modernization.

与容克式副翼,这是情况并非如此,如果充分利用可能的“漏斗效应”所取得的仔细设计的铰链点的位置和小心地施工。With the Junker type aileron, this is not the case if full advantage of the possible "funnel effect" is achieved by careful design of the hinge point location and careful construction.

欧元集团主席容克这个星期在布鲁塞尔的讲话中说,欧洲和美国之间关于金融危机的讨论和协调是不可或缺的。In remarks in Brussels this week, Eurogroup President Jean-Claude Junker said discussion and coordination between Europe and the United States on the financial crisis was indispensable.

“防御性”策略是德意志帝国时期掌权的容克资产阶级为了继续维护自身利益而采取的一种以退为进的统治策略。Defence Policy is a kind of rule policy that make concessions in order to gain advantages adopted by Junker capital that wield power for going on maintaining themselves interest in German empire.