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没有泪水,却满是阴霾。No more tears, but full of haziness.

使体育现代化从朦胧中走出来。So as to make the modernization come out of haziness.

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由于尚须定义几十年来一直混淆不清的边界问题,这将是艰巨的任务。It will be tough work, hampered by decades of haziness over where boundaries lie.

要让投资者支持新浪的股票,就需要厘清这种不确定的状态。It is going to take a significant clearing of this haziness for investors to back this stock.

该疾病是晶状体核两侧或中心部位出现灰蓝色雾状物。Nuclear sclerosis appears as a bilateral bluish-grey haziness at the nucleus, or center of the lens.

体态语是人类交际中常见的一种非言语交际手段,其特点是具有含蓄、朦胧美和幽默感。Body language is a means of nonverbal communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication, haziness and humor.

它假定形式端倪的阴影会逐渐消散,作为诗意进一步作出努力,成功。It assumes the form of an inkling whose haziness will progressively dissipate as further poetic efforts are made successfully.

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除了因记忆断裂带来的模糊感,还有一种混乱感,因为大部分时间里我们都被麻醉了。On top of the haziness created by a fractured childhood, there is confusion created by the fact that we were drugged most of the time.

镜头前这盆在白天神色奕奕的花此刻正用令我沉迷的色调征服了前方一切的模糊和海市蜃楼。The flower in front of the camera which was flourishing in the daytime has conquered all the haziness and mirage with her obsessed tint.

体态语是人类交际中常见的一种非言语交际手段,其特点是具有含蓄、朦胧美和幽默感。Body language is a means of nonverbal communication often found in the communication of mankind. Its characteristics are implication?haziness and humor.

另一个是老花眼是列为苦难朦胧甚至敬而远之的物质能双部位一致的分类。Another is presbyopia which is identified as one suffering in haziness even at arms length of the material that can be tweaked by bifocal classification.

体态语是人类交流过程中的一种非言语交流手段,具有含蓄、朦胧美和幽默感的特点。Body language is a means of nonverbal communication that is often found in the communication of mankind. It has characteristics of implication, haziness and humor.

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其他导致睡眠变化的因素,比如忧愁、慢性病或各种各样的药物也能导致记忆的衰退或精神不振,而这项研究并未对此作出解释。Other sleep-altering factors such as depression, chronic diseases, or various medications — which the study didn’t account for — can also lead to memory loss or mental haziness.

这些雕塑装置每一个都可单独摆放自成一体,亦可组合在一起相互辉映,它们的存在让画廊中充满了朦胧的清冷感和一丝丝难以言喻的预感。Each of these sculptural installations, which collectively reinforce one another even as they successfully stood alone, filled the gallery with chilling haziness and premonitions.

她柳细腰早就看出来韩珊情感放风,要不然怎样会在她儿子出差之前提出离婚,说不定她早就和舒新不清不楚。She had to look out HanShan barbie-young with orange, or how emotion let in fresh air in her son before the trip put forward a divorce, maybe she would have and new haziness Schwartz.