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那麽雕文有价值麽?。So Is the Glyph Worth It?

在字形缓冲区中的字形数量。Count of glyphs in the glyph buffer.

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为什么佯攻铭文是大雕文…Why is there a major glyph of feint?

使用字元的图像点阵图绘制每个字元。Each character is drawn using its glyph bitmap.

隐形术雕文的持续时间增加。Glyph of Invisibility duration has been increased.

修复了疾跑铭文的一个说明错误。A tooltip error in the Glyph of Sprint has been corrected.

割裂比剔骨好,即使在没有割裂雕纹的情况下。Rupture is much better than eviscerate, even without the glyph.

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风怒武器雕文现在不再提供额外的攻击强度。The Glyph of Windfury Weapon will not apply additional attack power.

由驱散魔法雕文的治疗暴击可以正确触发神谕之盾。Critical heals from Glyph of Dispel Magic properly proc Divine Aegis.

这里可以不用心灵烙印铭文,消散铭文就可以。You don't really need Mind Sear glyph here , so stay with dispersion.

当他们一离开原地,符文就会闪出灼热的光芒。If they move from their positions, the glyph flares with searing light.

经由提示,使用字元的反锯齿补偿图像点阵图绘制每个字元。Each character is drawn using its antialiased glyph bitmap with hinting.

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冰锢坚韧雕纹增加了冰锢坚韧最小伤害减免值。Glyph of Icebound Fortitude increases the minimum damage reduction from IBF.

对雕文释放,增加站在雕文上的目标的AP值。Cast on a Glyph, it gives AP to the targets that are positioned at the Glyph.

连字字形宽度以它们代表的字符均匀的划分。Ligature glyph widths are divided evenly among the characters they represent.

第12个象形文字在梦语里面是“人类”,第13个象形文字是“人行天桥”。The 12th glyph of the Dreamspell is 'Human' and the 13th glyph is "Skywalker".

死亡凋零不再有恐慌效果,死亡凋零雕文可以重新得到它。基础伤害应该会有提升。Death and Decay no longer has a cower component, but a glyph can add that back.

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瞬发超度邪恶铭文现在有副作用了,带来8秒冷却时间。Glyph of turn evil now also increases the cooldown of your turn evil spell by 8 sec.

对雕文释放,增加站在雕文上的友军的异常状态抗性。It also allows the activation of a Glyph that increases allies' resistance to states.

你念诵古老的天界之语,创造一个银色的符文用来击退你的仇敌。You utter ancient words of Supernal, conjuring a silvery glyph that repels your foes.