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卢沟桥医院是奥运会定点医院。Lugouqiao hospital is an Olympic designated hospital.

很多人都设法想数清卢沟桥上的狮子。Many people try to count the member of lions on Lugouqiao Bridge.

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1937年卢沟桥事变爆发,日本大举入侵中国。The lugouqiao incident broke out in 1937, the Japanese invading China.

发生在1937年7月7日的卢沟桥事件,是日本军国主义者发动的。The Lugouqiao incident, which occurred on July 7, 1937, was staged by the Japanese militarists.

一九三七年,伴随着“芦沟桥”事变的爆发,中国进入了漫长的八年抗战时期。In 1937, with the breakout of the Lugouqiao Incident, china entered a long eight-year stage of the Anti-Japan War.

卢沟桥还是“七七事变”的见证者。从那时起,中国人民开始奋起反抗日本侵略者。The Lugouqiao Bridge was also a witness to the July 7th Incident, when the Chinese people rose against the Japanese aggressors.

从“七七事变”到淞沪抗战时期的日本对华政策,一言以蔽之,就是日本发动全面侵华战争的政策。Japanese Policy to China from the Lugouqiao Incident to the period of the Songhu resistant battle, was to launch the all-out war of aggression against China.

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卢沟桥事变爆发后,为保护中华民族文化和教育之精华免遭灭顶之灾,华北和东南沿海的大批高等学府和一些科研院所纷纷西迁。After Lugouqiao Incident, many institutions of higher learning and some research institutes in North China and Southeast Coastland moved to the west in succession.

南口之战是抗日战争中继卢沟桥事变、平津沦陷后的第一个战役。During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Battle of Nankou was the first campaign after the Lugouqiao Incident and the Japanese occupation of peking and Tientsin.

卢沟桥事变标志着世界反法西斯战争两大战场之一的东方战场的开辟,极大地改变了东亚与世界的政治格局。The Lugouqiao Incident marks the opening of Eastern battlefield, one of world anti-fascism battlefields, which has greatly changed the political pattern of East Asian and the world.