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泰国的水灯节正确来由已经不可考了。The origins of Thailand's Loi Krathong Festival are untraceable.

电脑芯片不像稀有的珠宝。它的优点是无法追查原主。Unlike rare jewels, chips have had the advantage of being untraceable.

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他甚至没有保存那些信,不过即使他保存了,信也没法追查。He hadn't even kept the letters, but even if he had, they were untraceable.

安德烈将一个无法追踪的手机放入杰克的口袋里,然后他坐上车离开了。Andre puts an untraceable cell phone into Jack’s pocket and he leaves in the van.

她急切地打电话给她的联络人,对方指令她前往慕尼黑,并保持不被他人找到。She urgently phones her contact, and he orders her to go to Munich and remain untraceable.

纸质办公室中,文档变得不可跟踪的一个原因在于混乱的索引系统。One reason documents become untraceable in a paper office is convoluted and competitive indexing systems.

汤普森却不知所踪。但梅内尔还是抱着汤普森会和自己联系的希望出版了他的诗歌。Thompson proved untraceable , but Meynell published the poems anyway, hoping Thompson would get in touch.

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罗兰德重新设置了他手机的通路,使得其无法被追踪,然后输入一条信息“迈可兄弟值多少钱?”Roland re-routes his cell phone to make it untraceable and texts a message to the number on the paper he found from Mahone.

两台装有难以探测的,称做PETN爆炸物的打印机装载在飞机货运仓被运往美国。The shipping of two printers containing the almost untraceable explosive PETN on board cargo planes bound for the United States.

银行方面显然希望看到它倒台,而且公平地说,作为一种虚拟的、无迹可寻的货币,它为几乎所有你能想象到的违法行为提供了一个完美的平台。Banks surely want to see it go under and, to be fair, as virtually untraceable currency, it's a perfect platform for every illicit activity you can imagine.

通常每年都会有一些类似体积的天体悄无声息地穿过大气层时爆炸解体成对地球无威胁的极小尘埃。Earth-bound objects of this size appear only a few times a year, typically smashing into the atmosphere unnoticed and exploding into harmless, untraceable bits of dust.

僵尸网络通常由恶意软件感染的数千个僵尸机器组成,这些机器被主机远程控制并执行一系列表面上看无迹可循的攻击。Botnets generally comprise thousands of malware-infected zombie computers that are controlled remotely by a host to carry out a wide array of seemingly untraceable attacks.

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与此同时,在柏林,欧洲探员米卡在调查一系列政治谋杀案件时,发现案情似乎与一群来自远东的刺客有关。In Berlin, Europol agent Mika Coretti has stumbled upon a money trail linking several political murders to an underground network of untraceable assassins from the Far East.

有些人说比特币被用来从地下市场在线购买非法毒品,这种地下市场既利用了比特币的难追踪性,又利用了交易的匿名性。Some say Bitcoins are being used to buy illegal drugs online via shadowy markets that exploit both the effectively untraceable Bitcoins and the anonymous way they can be traded.

在国家改革开放的激励政策下,许多中国人通过私办企业或自主创业变得富裕了,但是他们的收入相对来说却无法进行跟踪。Many Chinese have become rich by working in private companies or being self-employed during the country's reform and opening-up drive, but their incomes are relatively untraceable.

美国两位参议员周日表示,他们要求政府当局捣毁一个依靠网络运营的秘密贩毒市场,不仅涉及匿名销售,而且货币流向也难以追踪。Two U.S. senators said Sunday they will ask federal authorities to crack down on a secretive narcotics market operated on the Internet with anonymous sales and untraceable currency.

通过对邱成刚等人提出的不可追踪的盲签名和多重盲签名方案的分析,发现该方案具有可追踪性。This paper analyses one untraceable blind signature and multi-blind signature scheme advanced by Qiu Cheng Gang and Li Fang Wei is analyzed, and finds that this scheme can be followed up.