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他像蜘蛛侠一样卖票。He sells tickets like the Spiderman.

除非她把蜘蛛侠还给我。Not unless she gives my Spiderman back.

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蜘蛛人是我喜欢的电影之一。Spiderman is one of my favorite movies.

蜘蛛人的动作像猫一们灵活。The spiderman moves with feline agility.

我们在电视上看了蜘蛛人的续集。We watched the sequel to "Spiderman" on TV.

蜘蛛人这部电影做得很棒。I thought the Spiderman movie was very good work.

一份有蜘蛛侠电影情节的麦当劳快乐套餐。McDonald's happy meal with Spiderman action figure.

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一份有蜘蛛侠电影情节的麦当劳快乐套餐。A McDonald’s happy meal with Spiderman action figure.

如果我是奥巴马,我会让蜘蛛侠和变形金刚为我工作。If I were Obama, I would ask Spiderman and Transformers to work for me.

当你小的时候,也许你最想要的东西是冰淇淋和蜘蛛侠。When you are little, perhaps all you wanted was ice cream and Spiderman.

在重庆的某个地方有个公交车售票员。他像蜘蛛侠一样卖票。There is a conductor somewhere in Chongqing. He sells tickets like the Spiderman.

被捕的两名犯罪嫌疑人中有一人绰号为“蜘蛛人”,热衷于盗窃各类艺术品。The two suspects were arrested persons is nicknamed "Spiderman", keen on all kinds of art theft.

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也许在加时赛的第七局,我会身穿蜘蛛人运动衫跑过体育馆的。Maybe during the seventh inning stretch I can run through the stadium in my own Spiderman underwear.

“他们会开火,”蜘蛛侠直言不讳,他口中含着不少萤光桃红色糖果。"They would open fire, " Spiderman replied bluntly, his mouth half full with fluorescent pink candy.

在蝙蝠侠的城市里永远都不会出现蜘蛛侠,就像超人永远也不会在彼得·潘面前飞行一样。Spiderman would never show up in Batman's city, just like superman would never fly in front of PeterPan.

2002年9月,法国“蜘蛛人”阿兰•罗伯特徒手攀岩挑战吉尼斯世界纪录的活动就是在此举行的。In September, 2002, the French Spiderman Alain Robert came here for Free Solo to challenge Guiness World Record Book.

所以在星期五的中午他找了他的好朋友蝙蝠侠和蜘蛛人看看他们晚上是否有兴趣出去玩玩。So Friday afternoon he looks up his pals Batman and Spiderman to see if they're up for going on the prowl that evening.

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不可思议的是,Spiderman向我们展示了由他赞助的旨在向贫民窟的年轻人传播环保理念的社区项目。Incredibly, Spiderman shows us a community project he is sponsoring to teach the favela's youngsters about green issues.

所以礼拜五下午他找了他的老伙计蝙蝠侠和蜘蛛侠,看看他们晚上是否有兴趣一起出去溜溜。So Friday afternoon, he looks up his pals Batman and Spiderman to see if they're up for going on the prowl that evening.

6个月后,在今年3月13日星期五,蜘蛛侠死了——死于里约武警部队的枪林弹雨。Six months later, on Friday 13 March this year, Spiderman was dead – killed in a hail of bullets by a unit of Rio's military police.