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他皱眉蹙额表示不赞同。He frowned his disapproval.

他皱眉表示不赞成。He scowled his disapproval.

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她用手势表示不赞成。She gestured her disapproval.

那妇人尖声嚷叫不赞成。The woman piped her disapproval.

或许他似乎察觉到了西王母的不满。He seemed to sense her disapproval.

我母亲哼了一声,表示不同意。My mother gave a sniff of disapproval.

她不以为然地翘起了嘴唇。She curled up her lips with disapproval.

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他悍然不顾公众非议。He flies in the face of public disapproval.

他很不赞同地谈起她的行为。He crosspiece with disapproval of her conduct.

发嘘声表示反对或不赞同。To express derision or disapproval of with catcalls.

一个温和一点的控制欲阶段就是反对别人行为的阶段。A milder control stage is disapproval of the actions of others.

我遭到戈林及其他被告剧烈的非难。I encountered stiff disapproval from Goering and other defendants.

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同事们的反对减弱了我对这项计划的热情。The disapproval of my colleagues quenched my enthusiasm for the plan.

“他们改变主意了。”泰斯拉不以为然地喷着鼻息宣布。"They've changed their minds, " Tesla announced with a snort of disapproval.

尤指舆论所表达的指责、谴责或非难。Censure, condemnation, or disapproval expressed especially by public opinion.

不赞同奥巴马参与战争的意见从上周起迅速上升。Disapproval of Obama's handling of the conflict is up sharply from last month.

如果是由于我的考试成绩引起的,我可以重考。If the disapproval was due to any of my test scores , I would retake the tests.

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观察事物时超然物外,有时会被误认为不喜欢或不感兴趣。Engaging in detached observation which can be misread as dislike or disapproval.

她脸上流露的不同意的神情是那么真实,连我都差点信以为真。The disapproval registered on her face was so real that I nearly thought it genuine.

2006年的时候她不顾国际舆论的反对,收养了马拉威的一个小男孩。And she defied international disapproval in 2006 by adopting a young boy from Malawi.