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布鲁诺还无法理解他弟弟诙谐的举止。Bruno has not got his younger brother's jokey manner.

他们的“金枪鱼之友”——数以吨计的海豚也伤害了很多人的情感。Its jokey 'tuna friendly' tins of dolphin offended some too.

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他们没有侮辱我的意思,更多的是玩笑。It wasn't nasty and they didn't insult me. It was more jokey.

面具无关险恶,只是公民过节的欢乐图标。Far from being sinister, his mask is a jokey icon of festive citizenship.

而相对浅浅的诙谐方式则是另一男女双方共同喜欢的。This relatively low rating for a jokey approach is another thing shared by both sexes.

嗯,因为他是个职业小丑,我想我会给他买一件滑稽的T恤衫。Well, since he's a professional clown, I thought I would get him one of those jokey T-shirts.

他快乐的天性以及心甘情愿的自嘲已经成为他魅力的一大部分。His jokey nature and willingness to make a fool of himself has been a large part of his appeal.

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他们没有侮辱我的意思,更多的是玩笑。我是利物浦人,我知道那是利物浦式的幽默。It wasn't nasty and they didn't insult me. It was more jokey . My family are from Liverpool, so I know what scouse humour is like.

上一张专辑我没有展现出我爱开玩笑的一面是因为那是一张很严肃的专辑,但在这张新专辑你们会看到一个新的我。With the last album I couldn't show my jokey fun side because it was more serious album, but with this new record you will see a newish me.

如果你很担心无意中冒犯他们,那么就加一句“我马上就要下车了”或者半开玩笑的说“这样我就能伸展一下我的大腿了。”If you're worried you'll accidentally offend them, add a "I'm getting off soon" or something slightly jokey like "I could do with stretching my legs. "

请问您喜不喜欢店内有不同类型的活动,例如石硖尾工厂大厦的创艺中心内不同的媒体?Do you like if there are different kinds of activities involved inside the store, such as the Jokey Club Creative Centre in Shek Kip Mei Factory Estate?