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楚克其族人总是试着突然袭击。The Chukchi always tried to attack suddenly.

年老的养鹿户鹿肉是楚科奇人的传统食物。Deer meat is the traditional food of the Chukchi.

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很明显楚克其族人更具攻击性,更强壮。It's clear the Chukchi were much more aggressive and stronger.

这些海象们通常在楚克奇海洋的大陆架上觅食。The animals often search for food over the continental shelf of the Chukchi Sea.

楚克其族人的孩子在他们孩童的时候就要做好将会成为一名战士的准备。The Chukchi children have been prepared for being a soldier since early childhood.

这个村庄的主要居民是蚊子,其次才是俄国人和楚科奇人。The main population of the village is mosquitoes. Others are Russians and Chukchi.

楚科奇人靠养鹿及捕捉海洋动物为生。Welfare of the Chukchi depends largely on the deer breeding and hunting for sea animals.

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同时,这个地区也是许多特有文化的发源地,比如爱斯基摩文化和楚科奇文化。The region has also been home to many unique native cultures such as the Inuits and Chukchi.

在15世纪到16世纪中间,楚克其族人被尤卡吉尔人赶出了家园。In the 15-16th centuries the Chukchi were driven away from their lands by the Yukaghir tribes.

在4月就已发现这些冰向南向西涌进了波弗特海和楚科奇海。The ice was flushed southwards and westward into the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, as noted in April.

在楚科奇海的陆架区,DIC在盐度29到33的区域有强烈的生物去除过程,而在低盐和高盐端相对保守。In contrast, the DIC had an obvious biological removal in Chukchi shelf at the salinity of 29 to 33.

沙洲把楚科奇海划分为两个部分,左侧是从Kasegaluk泻湖,右侧是靠近近美国的阿拉斯加的北坡。A sandbar divides the Chukchi Sea, at left, from the Kasegaluk Lagoon, right, near North Slope, Alaska.

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壳牌已经站在了在波弗特海和楚科奇海的北极区海域进行开采计划的前沿。Shell has been at the forefront of plans to drill in the Arctic waters of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.

楚科奇人习惯只睡四五个小时,为了生存他们必须不停地工作,对此他们已经习以为常了,所以几天几夜不睡觉也没问题。The Chukchi are used to sleep for only 4 – 5 hours. To survive in the peninsula one has to work nonstop.

楚科奇海的局地风场也是海冰形态变化的重要因素之一。The local wind field over the Chukchi Sea is also an important factor affecting the sea ice pattern variation.

每年夏天生活在楚科奇海域的绝大部分海象都是雌海象,它们吃食遍布海底的蛤蜊储蓄脂肪。The vast majority of walruses in the Chukchi each summer are females who fatten up on clams that populate the seafloor.

楚科奇海面上它们赖以生存的北极冰面消失后,这些动物无奈中只能上岸。The animals were forced to swim to shore after the Arctic Sea ice they usually live on disappeared from the Chukchi Sea.

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白令海峡,楚科奇波弗特海岸,巴伦支海沿岸和西伯利亚地区的冰间湖是最脆弱的地方。The Bering Strait, the Chukchi Beaufort Coast, the Barents Sea coast and the Great Siberian Polynya are among the most vulnerable places.

水体反硝化作用是白令海和西北冰洋陆架区结合态氮迁出的重要途径之一。Denitrification is an important process for the removal of fixed nitrogen from the water column of the Bering shelf and the Chukchi shelf.

到2011年夏天,他们希望能在位于阿拉斯加和西伯利亚之间的白令海峡正北部的楚科奇海下面提取岩心。During the summer of 2011, they hope to draw cores from beneath the Chukchi Sea, just north of the Bering Strait between Alaska and Siberia.