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还有你“西雅图夜未眠”。And to you, Sleepless in Seattle.

可那些辗转难眠的时日又何以存在?But why those sleepless days exist?

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象自然间耐心的、不眠的隐士Like Nature's patient sleepless Eremite

像自然间耐心的、不眠的隐士。Like Nature's patient sleepless Eremite.

你们一宿没睡肯定都累坏了!You're all tired after a sleepless night!

失眠的朋友们,我在想着你们。Sleepless friends, I am thinking about you.

也是那样另人心醉,彻夜无眠。Do other people feel fascinated, sleepless night.

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何志敏彻夜未眠,第二天即驱车前往高陵。After a sleepless night, he drove back to Gaoling.

你又陪一个患病的孩子度过一个失无眠的夜晚吗?Did you spend a sleepless night with an ill child?

那么你在睡不着的夜晚干什么才好呢?What should you do then on those sleepless nights?

他彻夜不眠,疲倦得脸色苍白。He was pale with fatigue after his sleepless night.

在这两天内,一场大雪不眠不休的覆盖了我所在的城市。During the two days, a snow covered my sleepless city.

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颠末两个没有眠之夜,人终究完成了。After two sleepless nights, I'm finally through with it.

经过两个不眠之夜,我终于完成了。After two sleepless nights, I’m finally through with it.

我盯着天花板,又一夜未眠。Staring at the ceiling, I spent another sleepless night.

我经常因为担心市场而失眠。I often spend sleepless nights worrying about the market.

好吧,我不愿这样生活,那么多无眠的夜。Well, I don't wanna live my life, too many sleepless nights.

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那个瘦小的男孩被蛇吓坏了,晚上没睡着觉。The snake frightened the skinny boy. He had a sleepless night.

你呢,看完之后,是否准备好今夜无眠?Well, are you ready to be sleepless after watching it tonight?

我想起了著名的电影“西雅图夜未眠”的路线。I recalled a line from the famous movie "Sleepless in Seattle".