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下个星期四取件?How's next Thursday?

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星期四有风。It's windy on Thursday.

他在星期四看了个够。He saw plenty on Thursday.

你们星期四干什么?What do you do on Thursday?

木曜日是我的诞辰。Thursday will be my birthday.

星期四我们上美术课。We have art class on Thursday.

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周四下午怎么样?What about Thursday afternoon?

我星期四之前不能和你见面。I can’t see you until Thursday.

今天我就写礼拜四发生的事吧。I'll just write about thursday.

他每星期四领工资。He gets his wages each Thursday.

那个周三的事我已经记得不大清楚了。I don’t remember much of Thursday.

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在星期四之前,我要一个订购单的号码。I need a P. O. number by Thursday.

本周四是戴德节。This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day.

星期四是普瓦捷的赶集日。Thursday is market day in poitiers.

上证综合指数周二以2031.68点收盘。The index ended Thursday at 2031.68.

星期四是普这个小镇的赶集日。Thursday is market day in this town.

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星期四,我没有冲凉。It's Thursday and I haven't showered.

她准备星期四歇一天工。She is to take a day off on Thursday.

下周四我们能在你那里借住一晚吗?。Can you put us up next Thursday night?