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你可以看到它部份拼花石制地板。You can see part of its patterned stonework floor.

仔细观察能看到石雕中的裂缝。Close inspection shows up the cracks in the stonework.

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彩石制品是古代文明的记录。The color stonework was the ancient times civilization record.

这意味着,有没有粒状,或现实的质量向石方。This means there's no grainy, or realistic quality to the stonework.

最简单的石料加工品是粗石,在研磨机中粗略地破碎的石头。The simplest stonework is rubble, roughly broken stones bound in mortar.

污染已腐蚀了教堂前部的石头雕塑。Pollution has decayed the surface of the stonework on the front of the cathedral.

斯特拉斯堡的哥特式大教堂上有丰富的精致石雕和邪恶滴水兽。Strasbourg’s Gothic cathedral is a riot of filigree stonework and leering gargoyles.

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这座高塔的石建部分已经开始瓦解,而那座大钟早已长久失修了。The stonework of the tower was crumbling, and the great clock had fallen into disrepair.

土石方挖填量大,施工过程中发生的水土流失直接进入江河湖海。The projects need a large number of excavations and filling of earth and stonework in the construction.

那时候,意大利团队修复了这座塑像,并用现代的石雕工艺来修补了这些失落的片段。At the time, an Italian team restored the statue and filled in the missing pieces with modern stonework.

而其他所大教堂可能有共同的,其庞大的规模和高超的石方,其他大部分建筑却没有这样做。While other cathedrals may have shared its gigantic size and superb stonework , most other building did not.

屋顶高度相同,开窗形式匹配,青砖与石质材料相互补充,相得益彰。The roof level is identical, window heights match, and the grey brickwork complements the monochrome stonework.

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秘鲁图片集。重建的印加梯田和建筑物显示熟练的技术的石匠,其中古代人是著名的。Reconstructed Incan terraces and buildings show the skilled stonework for which the ancient people are celebrated.

当工作没有启动,历时13个星期内完成打磨,这一过程包括清除旧的石雕。When work did start it took 13 weeks to complete the refacing, a process that included removing the old stonework.

继续沿着蜿蜒的城中小径前行,便会经过另外一百七十余座建筑,展示更多精致的石工。Continue on the winding city paths that take you past its 170 other buildings with more examples of fine stonework.

本合同段石方爆破采用深孔控制爆破和光面爆破相结合的施工方案。The stonework blasting of this contract uses construction program that combine blasting deep hole and smooth blasting.

东面圣文森大教堂单薄的红色塔楼耸入半空,它的石头构造像叶脉一样纤细。To the east, the tower of St. Vincent's rises into sky, red and fragile, its stonework as delicate as veins of a leaf.

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这些块大小不一的功能,往往是向联锁为单位,让随机自然石砌的感觉。These blocks often feature irregular sizes that are made to interlock as a unit, giving the feel of random natural stonework.

早在公元四世纪,这里建起了第一座基督教堂。你可以看到它部份拼花石制地板。A first Christian church was built on the site as early as the 4th Century. You can see part of its patterned stonework floor.

以太长高速公路某段石方爆破工程为例,结合施工经验,提出施工方案,以达到安全、经济的目的。For the blasting engineering of Taichang Expressway, the paper proposed the construction plan of stonework blasting for reference.