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我就没资格唠叨。I'm not qualified to gab.

我不能忍受他的唠叨。I have no toleration for his gab.

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斯根斯基是一个热衷于神侃的人。Skinski was a warm member with the gab.

我很想知道怎样才能有好口才。I want to know how to have the gift of gab.

这位演讲者无疑善于辞令。The key-note speaker certainly has the gift of gab.

我几乎从未见过象珍妮这么有口才的女孩子。Seldom have I met a girl who has the gift of gab like Jenny's.

我几乎从未见过像莉莉这样有口才的女孩子。Seldom have I met a girl who's had such a gift of gab like Lily's.

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我几乎没见过像莉莉这样有口才的女孩子。Seldom have I met a girl who’s had such a gift of gab like Lee Lee’s.

目前参加GAB有11国家,参加NAB的有26个国家。At present there are 11 countries in the GAB and 26 countries in the NAB.

语言能力强,在交谈中富有睿智,并且擅长于故事叙述。Witty conversationalists and story tellers, they do have the gift of gab.

但穆里尼奥最大的本事是他雄辩流利的口才——他会五种语言。Yet not the least of his talents is the gift of the gab – in five languages.

GAB将打印出诊断信息并发送iofence信息到被驱逐的系统。GAB prints diagnostic messages and sends iofence messages to the system being ejected.

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色织彩格布色彩丰富、色调明快,适宜儿童连衣裙、童裤等。Dyed color Gab bright rich colors, tones, suitable for children children dresses, trousers, etc.

GAB使用这些带或不带功能磁盘心跳的信息,用来代表集群的成员。GAB uses this information, with or without a functional disk heartbeat, to delegate cluster membership.

增加淀粉浓度影响小性别咨询参数,但下跌胡仙。Increasing starch concentration had little influence on the GAB parameters but nonetheless decreased aw.

我已经长大,爷爷奶奶,经常争吵与爷爷奶奶、外婆总是把我每天都和他们唠叨。I've grown up with grandpa's grandmother, often quarrel with grandpa's grandmother, grandmother always put them every day and I gab.

并以GAB模型为基础,进一步研究了联合干燥笋片的吸附特性,确定了其单分子层水分含量和吸附能值。Adsorption characteristics, based on the GAB model wereanalyzed and the monolayer moisture content and adsorption energy were obtained.

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穆罕默德说,凭借这种天赋或者说是性格,他们可能会得到一些不应得的荣誉。Such employees may end up getting a greater share of credit than they deserve 'because of his gift of gab or his personality, ' says Ms. Mohamed.

在相同温度、相同的类型下,随着玉米淀粉糊化度的升高,分别由GAB和BET模型计算出的单层水含量降低。At the same temperature, the same type, with the degree of starch gelatinization increased, the single layer water content decreased which is calculated by GAB and BET model.