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正是这种兼容并蓄,加强了它作为观赏之楼的审美内涵。The aesthetical meaning as an outlook was enhanced by the combination.

最后,解决了数字化文庙的审美重构问题。The problem of aesthetical reconstruction of Confucian Temple is solved.

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关于“笑林”体小说的独立地位及审美特征的探讨。On study of independent status and aesthetical feature of "Xiaolin"style.

顾恺之美学观的形成具有划时代的意义。The form for the aesthetical view of Gu Kai's has epoch-making significance.

然而由于美学和法律原因的不可辨认性是必要的。Unrecognizability, however, is desirable due to aesthetical and legal reasons.

“自由生命的理想实现”不能说明审美的特性。"the ideal realization of the free life" can not explain the aesthetical features.

在这个意义上,审美教育实际上是其主体性的展演过程。Thus, we may say aesthetical education is in fact a perform process of subjectivity.

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而笔墨本身同时也涵盖着东方的人文精神与审美范畴。Pen and Ink cover the oriental humanism spirit and aesthetical field at the same time.

这一点集中体现在他的美学理想、复调小说和叙事方式的追求上。This feature reflects on his aesthetical ideal, two-note's novel and narrative fashion.

第三章讨论对话美学的审美语言理论。The third chapter studies on the aesthetical discourse theory of the dialogism aesthetics.

从这个意义上看,伽达默尔阐释学的机敏问题就是从主体方面来探讨康德审美判断力。Tact in Gadamer's Hermeneutics is to probe Kant's aesthetical judgment in aspect of subject.

第四章讨论对话美学的审美经验论。The fourth chapter studies on the aesthetical experience theory of the dialogism aesthetics.

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以上可以反映出王船山美学所具有的价值和意义。All of the above displays the value and significance of Wang Chuanshan's aesthetical thinking.

“忘”在中国古代既是一个哲学范畴,也是一个美学范畴。"Neglectness"belongs to the philosophical field as well as aesthetical field in ancient China.

老子守中论和涤除论的审美内涵和意义值得探讨。It is worthy discussing on aesthetical connotation of Lao Tzus the golden mean and elimination.

唐代是道教发展的极盛时期,又是审美文化高度发达的辉煌时期。Taoism reached its peak in Tang Dynasty, which was also an era of prosperous aesthetical culture.

第二章是对对话美学的审美主体和审美对象理论的研究。The second chapter studies on the aesthetical subject and object theory of the dialogism aesthetics.

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是宣布使用在模型的玻璃饰品类,这使审美高兴和保护。Is declared use in the model of glass jewelry class, which gives aesthetical pleasure and protection.

泛媒体时代出现的审美嬗变,与新媒介技术的影响紧密相关。The aesthetical transmutation of the pan-media era is closely associated with the new media technology.

共同的认知基础,共同的审美意识,相似的构成方式。The former are shown by the same cognitive bases, the same aesthetical awareness and similar formation.