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无韵诗是不押韵的抑扬格五步格诗。Blank verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter.

你们有多少人知道抑扬格的五音步格诗?How many of you know what iambic pentameter is?

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全诗是用五步抑扬格对偶句式写的。It was written in rhyming couplets of iambic pentameter.

五步抑扬格的双韵体称英雄双韵体。A couplet written in iambic pentameter is called a heroic couplet.

这是首押韵的短长体四音部句,一行四音,也有些变化。It's rhymed iambic tetrameter, four beats per line, with some variations.

他们通常以英雄双行体创作诗歌,这是一种经过推敲的五步抑扬格诗行。They usually write poetry in heroic couplets a polished iambic pentameter line.

由两行互相押韵的含有五个抑扬音步的诗句组成的韵文单位。Heroic couplet refers to two lines of iambic pentameter rhyming with each other.

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他们通常以英雄双行体创作诗歌,这是一种经过推敲的五步抑扬格诗行。They usually write poetry in heroic couplets, a polished iambic pentameter line.

由此旧时代的诗人一些成为英雄史诗作家,一些成为抑扬格诗人。The result was that the old poets became some of them writers of heroic and others of iambic verse.

每一行都自然地形成抑扬格,每一个非重音音节之后都跟着一个重音音节。Each line falls naturally into iambic patterns, with unaccented syllable followed by accented syllable.

然而,惠特曼真实意义上的本土特色在于摆脱了传统英国诗歌抑扬格的束缚。But the true aboriginal stroke was Whitman's breaking loose from the iambic collar of traditional English poetry.

但当我们读完这一行的时候,我们才真正进入了正常的抑扬格五步格诗。But by the time we finish the end of that line, we are really right in the middle of very regular iambic pentameter.

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埃斯库罗斯在剧中使用的语言和韵律则是素体文,或者说成无韵抑扬格五步诗的前身。The language and meter used by Aeschylus in his plays was the forerunner of blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter.

正如清人袁枚诗中所言“夕阳芳草寻常物,解用都为绝妙词。”As Yuan Mei in Qing Dynasty said"Sunset, Grass-usual things, Better understanding and uses makes excellent iambic verses."

民谣的韵脚往往采用抑扬格的形式,每一行中非重度音节的数目不等,二、四行押韵。Ballad meter is usually iambic. The number of unstressed syllables in each line may vary. The second and fourth lines rhyme.

他仿佛听到了五步抑扬格的节奏以及人们反复的吟唱,“神婚”与神圣仪式上的声音,在和着飞机的轰鸣声回响。He heard the rhythms of iambic pentameter and chanting, Hieros Gamos and sacred rites, resonating with the rumble of the jet.

弥尔顿的史诗由不押韵的抑扬格五音步诗句写成,我们,还有弥尔顿都称其为无韵诗。Milton wrote his epic in lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter or what we call, and what Milton would have called, blank verse.

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前八行通常是抑扬格五音步,第九行是抑扬格六音步,有称作亚历山大诗行。The first eight lines are written in iambic pentameter. The ninth line is written in iambic hexameter and is called an alexandrine.

英语里的这种语言现象在很久以前就被诗人运用在诗歌里,如英语里最常见的韵律形式,抑扬格的五步音诗。This fact about English has long been exploited by poets in creating the English language's most common verse form, iambic pentameter.

莎士比亚以严格的规则写十四行诗,其中节拍鲜明,抑扬顿挫,隐含着韵律之美。Shakespeare wrote his sonnets within a strict discipline, fourteen lines of iambic pentameter, rhyming in three quatrains and a couplet.